
  1. 格鲁吉亚总理比斯迪那·伊万什维利表示他的政府保护少数人。

    Georgian Prime Minister Bizdina Ivanishvili said that his government protects minorities .

  2. 不过,格鲁吉亚总理祖拉布•诺盖杰利,真正的问题出在分离主义者盘踞的南奥塞梯和阿布哈兹(均与俄罗斯接壤)的贸易控制权上。

    But the real issue , according to the prime minister , Zurab Nogaideli , is another one : control of commerce into two separatist enclaves that border on Russia , South Ossetia and Abkhazia .

  3. 格鲁吉亚总理吉劳里代表该国发言说,格鲁吉亚努力成为高加索地区改革的“典范”。他说,这一地区仍习惯用“后苏联模式进行思考”,官员腐败仍在日常生活中随时可见。

    Georgian Prime Minister Nikoloz Gilauri , who spoke for his delegation , said Georgia strives to be a " role model " for reform in a Caucasus region that he said " still thinks in a post-Soviet manner " and where official corruption remains part of everyday life .

  4. 支持他的人是格鲁吉亚最有权势的人物,即格鲁吉亚总理毕齐纳·伊万尼舍维里。

    He was backed by the most powerful and dominant figure in Georgia , that 's the prime minister , Bidzina Ivanishvili .