
zhàn yǒu lǜ
  • occupancy;occupation ratio
  1. 系统维护一个提供概率支持的3D占有率网格和一个提供平面信息的平地网格。

    The system maintains two grids , one is 3D Occupancy grid that supplies probability support and the other is floor grid that tells the information of plane .

  2. 几年来,产品质量稳定,生产迅速扩大,市场占有率稳步提高,成为PTC行业的后起之秀。

    For these years , our products'quality is more and more stable , and quantity expands quickly , the occupancy ratio of market is developed , and the company becomes the new shows of PTC industry .

  3. 汤姆逊公司有百分之四十八的市场占有率。

    Thomsons have a48 percent market share .

  4. IP业务预测及中国网通市场占有率分析

    Forecast of IP Services and Analysis of Market Occupation Rate of China Netcom 's IP Services

  5. 据CLSAResearch,阿里巴巴是中国电子商务市场中的龙头老大,去年的市场占有率大约80%。

    Alibaba dominates Chinese e-commerce , with about 80 % of the market last year , according to CLSA Research .

  6. 力求保持H担保公司在国内融资担保行业中的领先地位,提高市场占有率,提高其竞争优势。

    Keeping a H guarantee companies in domestic financing guarantee industry in leading position , increased market share and improve its competitive advantage .

  7. 今年截至目前,通用汽车公司(GeneralMotorsCo.)、丰田汽车公司(ToyotaMotorCo.)和日产汽车(NissanMotorCo.)在中国市场的占有率均有所下滑。

    General Motors Co. , Toyota Motor Corp. and Nissan Motor Co. have all seen their China market share shrink so far this year .

  8. 长城汽车(GreatWallMotorCo.)市场占有率从去年的3.2%提高至3.5%,这主要得益于该公司主打SUV。

    Great Wall Motor Co. has seen its market share rise to 3.5 % from 3.2 % last year on the strength of its dependence on SUVs .

  9. 我国CR市场以胶粘剂为主,国产CR的市场占有率仅56.2%。

    CR for adhesive is a main type in China market , and the market share of CR made in China is only 56.2 % .

  10. 在此基础上,进一步预测中国电信3G业务的市场占有率和用户规模。

    On the basis of above discussion , the paper forecasts the subscribers number and market penetrating rate of China Telecom 's 3G service .

  11. ARM微控制器具有性能高、成本低和能耗省的特点,现已成为嵌入式网络系统领域占有率最高的嵌入式CPU。

    With the characteristic of high-performance and low-cost , ARM processors had been the biggest CPU provider in embedded network system , such as mobile communication , handset etc.

  12. 中国的联想公司于2005年买下了IBM的电脑部门。此季保持着它全球老三的地位,拥有8.1%的市场占有率。

    China 's Lenovo , which bought the PC unit of IBM ( NYSE : IBM ) in2005 , kept its third-placed global ranking with market share of8.1 percent .

  13. 通过比较氢键占有率,我们发现非特异性结合体系的大部分氢键都属于蛋白质和磷酸根之间的氢键,这些氢键对于DNA碱基的直接识别贡献不大。

    By comparing the hydrogen bond occupancy , we found that most hydrogen bonds for non-specific complex had a direct interaction with phosphate , and had little contribution to the direct base sequence recognition .

  14. 诺基亚公司(NokiaCorp.)的市值约为其年销售额的两倍。诺基亚在全球手机市场的占有率为38%。

    Shares of Nokia Corp. , which dominates the global handset business with a38 % market share , trade at about twice annual sales .

  15. 在亚太地区,VISA的市场占有率为59%,且有超过一半以上的消费者认为VISA是最佳的支付品牌之一。

    In Asia Pacific , Visa 's share of all card payments is59 percent and more than half of consumers rate Visa as the best overall payment card .

  16. ATIS市场占有率问题研究

    Research on ATIS Market Penetration Problem

  17. 目前美国REITs产品主要是资本股权类REITs,市场占有率超过了95%。

    At present REITs products in America are mainly of the capital-share type , whose market possession rate is over 95 percent .

  18. 普元EOS产品已成功进入电信、银行、证券、电子政务等行业应用,获得用户一致好评,行业市场占有率保持领先。

    Primeton EOS is widely used in telecom , banking , securities and e-government , and its proven quality ensures its leading market share .

  19. 九十年代末,老人涂料在广东市场面临着ICI和立邦的激烈竞争,市场占有率在迅速下降。

    In 1990 's , Hempel is facing competition from ICI and Nippon , and the share of market has decline rapidly .

  20. 中国国内汽车市场竞争异常激烈,而咨询公司JDPower的数据显示,本地厂商的市场占有率大约为29%,高于2004年的18%。

    The domestic market is fiercely competitive , and according to consultancy JD Power , local players have seen their share plateau at about 29 per cent , up from 18 per cent in 2004 .

  21. 通过此次收购,鸿海将跻身中小尺寸液晶平板显示器顶级制造商的行列,市场占有率将等于或略大于目前的领跑者夏普(Sharp)。

    The acquisition would take the Taiwanese group to the top tier of producers of small and medium-sized liquid crystal display panels with an equal or slightly bigger market share than Sharp , the current leader .

  22. 另外,Apache是一种具有很高的通用性和可靠性的知名WWW服务发布软件,在全球服务器市场具有70%的占有率。

    Apache , which has a possessing ratio of more than 70 % in the global server market is a famous WWW server software with high popularity and security .

  23. FireFox影响微软占有率的安装副本大多用于商业用途的机器上。

    Firefox 's relative usage is often higher on weekends because many businesses have only IE installed on their machines , boosting Microsoft 's share .

  24. 底特律车系在美国市场份额上升了0.2%,从而达到44%的市场占有率[韩国的现代(Hyundai)和起亚(Kia)占据了其余的市场份额]。

    Detroit picked up two-tenths of a percent , expanding to 44 % ( Hyundai and Kia gobbled up the rest ) .

  25. 虽然淘宝同时也是B2C市场的佼佼者,但它在这个市场的占有率(33%)只有它在总体电子商务市场的一半。

    Although it is also the leader in the business-to-consumer market , its share , at 33 per cent , is only half its overall e-commerce market share .

  26. 顾客满意度的增加,实际上通过ROI、股票价格收益、市场占有率、和资产净值的增加来影响经济绩效。

    The customer satisfaction increases the economic performance by way of the ROI , the stock price income , market share , and the increase of the net asset value .

  27. 本论文的研究,对于加强甘肃邮政EMS品牌管理,提升企业管理水平、服务能力、市场拓展能力和市场占有率将起到帮助和指导作用。

    By the research , the strategies help to direct strengthening the management of Gansu EMS brand and promoting business management level , service capacity , market development capacity and market share .

  28. 在ABC公司任职两年中,我将产品在华北的市场占有率提高了35%,这足以证明我有能力在当地推销产品。

    During my two years with the ABC Company , I increased our North China market shares by35 % . This just proves that I 'm able to go out there and sell products .

  29. 但是,现实数据服务的市场占有率远不及他们想象,3G真正的价值简直没有存在的必要:因为它不能减少公司运营的成本,也没有提供便宜语音服务的运载能力。

    But take-up of data services fell far short of expectations , and3G 's real value proved to be much less exciting : an ability to cut operating costs and provide lots of cheap voice capacity .

  30. OverDrive的市场占有率让出版商和图书馆担忧,因为这家公司可以提高授权费用和条件。

    Yet publishers and libraries are worried by OverDrive 's market dominance , as the company can increasingly dictate fees and conditions .