
  • 网络capitalist industrialization
  1. 对外开放与美国资本主义工业化

    America 's opening and its capitalist industrialization

  2. 当代的环境问题固然是近代工业文明资本主义工业化的恶果,但其深层原因却是传统伦理中的传统科学理性思维。

    The contemporary environment problems no doubt are due to the modern industrial civilization , capitalist industrialization .

  3. 之后,西方海洋文化的发展,成为欧洲资本主义工业化的历史前奏。

    After that , the development of Western Oceanic Culture becomes the prelude of European Capitalistic Industrialization .

  4. 资本雇佣制度下的童工是资本主义工业化模式的产物和特殊历史现象。

    Employment of child labor under capital system is the product of the capital mode of industrialization and specially historical phenomenon .

  5. 资本主义工业化革命对体育的需求是现代奥运会兴起的社会条件;

    The Requirement of the Industrial Revolution for the physical education was the social condition of the Modern Olympic Games ' origin .

  6. 这些观念主要体现在以下几个方面:重视发展商业,发展中外贸易,实行资本主义工业化,建立现代金融体系,改造自给自足的传统农业。

    These views mainly included development of commerce and foreign trade , industrialization of capitalism , establishment of modern financial system , and reform of the self-sufficient traditional agriculture .

  7. 这又进一步制约了资本主义工业化的推进,使工业资本积累困难,工业市场狭隘,甚至使工业利润向传统农业领域复归。

    Such a state restricted the development of capitalist industrialization , made the industrial capital accumulation difficult , the market single-track , even made the profit regressed to traditional agriculture .

  8. 资本主义工业化的实现,由于技术进步与劳动分工的加强,普通教育与职业教育相结合的课程在职业补习学校开设。

    Courses of the general education combining with vocational education are offered in the vocational continuation school by realization of capitalist industrialization and the enhancement of technological progress and labor division .

  9. 本文从母亲与儿子的畸形爱恋关系这一点去探索小说表明的主题:资本主义工业化如何摧残人的自然本性,扭曲了人与人之间的和谐关系。

    Taking as example the twisted love between the mother and the sons , this paper ex - plores the theme of the novel : the merciless expansion of industrialization dehumanized human nature and twisted human relationships .

  10. 工会是西方资本主义社会工业化的产物。

    The trade union is the product of the West capitalism in the process of industrialization .

  11. 发达资本主义国家在工业化过程中,其经济增长方式存在着从粗放型向集约型的演变。

    In the course of industrialization of developed capitalist countries , the economy growth pattern changes from extensive to intensive .

  12. 将刘易斯的二元结构模型与英国的发展道路相比较可以发现:刘易斯的二元结构模型的实质就是发达资本主义国家用工业化带动农业现代化1的发展道路。

    To compare dualistic structure model of Lewis ' with development path looks of Britain , we can find that , dualistic structure of Lewis model essence their whether developed capitalist country drive development path of agricultural modernization with industrialization .

  13. 它不仅深受社会发展的影响,反过来对于英国资本主义的兴起,工业化的产生也有一定的促进意义。

    On the one hand they are deeply affected by society , on the other hand , they are advantage to the rise of capitalism .

  14. 传统的工业化道路包括欧美等西方资本主义国家走过的工业化道路和前苏联以及我国改革开放前所走的工业化道路。

    The traditional industrialization roads refers to the road taken by the western capitalist countries and former U.S.S. R as well as China before the reformation .

  15. 工业革命后,主要资本主义国家进入了工业化时代,资本主义工业文明的滚滚洪流和席卷全球的殖民掠夺,开创了世界经济贸易的新纪元,以英国为中心的世界贸易体系形成了。

    After the Industrial Revolution , the main capitalism nation entered the industrialization ages . The billowing current of capitalism industry civilization and the colonial depredation rolling up the world found the new era of world economy trade .

  16. 新感觉派小说是中国最完整的一支现代派小说,曾在30年代风靡上海,是西方资本主义社会走向高度工业化的产物。

    The novels of the New Feeling School are one of the most complete modern novels in China , the second Shanghai school . In the 1930s , they became fashionable in Shanghai . They are the highly industrialized product of the western capitalist society , and well worth researching .

  17. 资本主义近代化的主体是资本主义工业化,而资本主义工业化的核心则是产业革命。

    The principal part of capitalistic modernization is its industrialization , the core of which is the Industrial Revolution .