
tónɡ xì wù
  • homologue;homolog
  1. pH滴定-主成分回归法同时测定酚类同系物

    Simultaneous Determination of Mixtures of Homologue of Phenol by pH - Titration and Principal Component Regression

  2. DDT类农药同分异构体和同系物的联合雌激素效应

    A Study on the Combined Estrogenic Effects of the Isomers and the Homologue of DDT Pesticide

  3. 对氨基苯甲酸酯同系物形成细胞色素P(450)代谢中间体络合物的定量结构与活性关系

    Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship for p-Aminobenzoate Homologues in Forming Cytochrome P_ ( 450 ) Metabolic Intermediate Complex

  4. HPLC非衍生化同时测定大蒜中蒜氨酸及其同系物

    Quantitative determination of alliin and its homologues in garlic by non-derivatization HPLC

  5. 精制芦丁及其同系物的HPLC测定

    Determination of Refined Rutin and Its Homologous Substances by HPLC

  6. 精炼植物油副产品中天然维生素E同系物的定性和定量分析

    A Study on Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Vitamin E in the By-Products of Refining Plant Oil

  7. 用联谱技术鉴定维生素E同系物的结构

    The Structural Identification of Vitamin E Homologs in By-product of Vegetable Oil Refining by Combined Spectral Technique

  8. 邻醌式同系物的DSC研究

    Study on o - quinonoid form homologues by DSC

  9. 采用HPLC方法建立生物样本中间硝苯地平及其同系物在的检测方法。

    The method used for analyzing the m-Nifedipine and its analogues in bio-medium samples by RT-HPLC was founded .

  10. 该改进的用于同系物的马丁方程中的参数A和B与计量置换模型中的4个常数和流动相中置换剂的浓度[D0]有关。

    The parameters A and B in this modified expression of a homologous series are related to four constants and the solvent concentration [ D_0 ] .

  11. 有机的同源同期的甲烷及其同系物的δ~(13)C值随烷烃气分子中碳数增加而增大;

    The δ ~ ( 13 ) C values of synchronous and isogenous methane and its homologues increase with the increasing of carbon number of alkane gas molecules .

  12. 辣椒素类物质由19种以上的辣椒素同系物组成,同系物结构类似,均是由香草基胺和C8&C(11)支链脂肪酸组成。

    It is a group of more than 19 closely related components having similar structure which consists of vanillylamide and C_8 & C_ ( 11 ) fatty acid .

  13. Toll样受体(Tolllikereceptors,TLRs)是果蝇Toll的同系物,它们广泛存在于植物及动物体内,是物种进化保留下来的保守序列。

    The mammalian Toll-like receptors ( TLRs ) are homologues of Drosophila Toll and conserved sequence during species evolution .

  14. 并以多氯联苯(PCBs)为例进行了细致讨论:基于分子的对称性,209种PCBs同系物被分为七组。

    Based on molecular symmetry , PCBs are classified into seven groups .

  15. 目的:探讨细胞内第二信使分子cAMP稳定的人工合成同系物双丁酰cAMP对大鼠烟雾吸入性肺损伤的防治作用。

    AIM The purpose is to investigate the prophylactic effects of dibutyryl cAMP on the pulmonary smoke inhalation injury in rats .

  16. 光/高能诱导纳米TiO2及其同系物催化新进展

    Process of Nano-TiO_2 and Its Analogues Photo / High Energy Excited / Induced Catalytic Materials

  17. 血管紧张素转换酶(ACE)2是近年来新发现的一种单羧肽酶,是已知的第一个ACE同系物。

    Angiotensin-converting enzyme ( ACE ) 2 is a novel discovered mono-carboxypeptidase and the first homolog of ACE .

  18. 经全波长扫描、HPLC和质谱分析等,推测梅岭霉素同系物的分子结构。

    On the basis of results of the full wave scanning , HPLC determination and mass spectrum analysis , the molecular formulas of meilingmycin homologues had been proposed .

  19. Endeavor和Xience都使用的药物都是Cyphe应用r的免疫系统抑制药的化学同系物。

    Endeavor and Xience both use drugs that are chemical relatives of the immune-system suppressant used on Cypher .

  20. 相同或相近成熟度源岩形成的煤成气的甲烷及其同系物的δ~(13)C值比油型气的对应组份的δ~(13)C值重;

    The δ ~ ( 13 ) C values of methane and its homologues of coaliferous gas are heavier than that of corresponding component of petroliferous gas from source rocks with the same or similar maturity .

  21. HBeAg表达量少;结果显示,石化企业苯及其同系物暴露以低浓度苯暴露为主;

    The concentration of HBeAg was low ; The results showed that BIA existed in low concentration in air .

  22. 用HMO理论估算链烃同系物的临界温度

    Estimating critical temperature of homologous chain hydrocarbons by using HMO theories

  23. 首次研究了芳香醇同系物在疏水色谱(HIC)中的保留行为。

    The retention behaviors of aromatic alcohol homologues in hydrophobic interaction chromatography ( HIC ) were investigated firstly .

  24. VPA及其同系物对PrP~c在小鼠胚胎干细胞表达的影响

    The effects of VPA and its analoques on the PrP ~ c expression in murine embryonic stem cells

  25. 该评价体系科学合理地考虑了PCBs同系物间的特性差异,在持久有机污染物(POPs)的污染评价方面具有很高的理论和推广价值。

    This evaluation model considered the characteristic differences between congeners scientifically and comprehensively , and should be employed in evaluations of persistent organic pollutants ( POPs ) .

  26. 为了检测在寒冷条件下,水稻ICE同系物是否通过调节水稻DREB的同系物来对冷胁迫的作出反应,我们鉴定了一个含有ICE特异基序多肽抗原决定基。

    To examine whether rice ICE homologs function in cold acclimation via regulation of rice DREB homologs in response to cold stress , we assessed a polypeptide epitope containing an ICE-specific motif .

  27. 将预测的蛋白氨基酸序列和硫氧还蛋白样家族的其他GPX同系物相比,拥有44.7-80.4%的相似率。

    Alignment of the predicted amino acid sequences demonstrated that the protein shared 44.7-80.4 % similarity to GPX homologues in thioredoxin_like family .

  28. MIM可能的同系物MIM-B同样被认为编码一种假定的转移抑制蛋白。

    Its potential homologue MIM-B is also thought to code a putative tumor metastasis suppressor protein .

  29. 没有测出oxon的同系物。你和同班同学关系如何?

    How did you make out with your classmates ?

  30. PBDEs在鼠类脂肪组织中的半衰期为19-119天,含溴越多的PBDEs同系物,半衰期越长。

    The half-life of PBDEs in the adipose tissue of rodents is 19-119 d , the more brominated congeners of PBDEs are , the longer half-life is .