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míng shì
  • Celebrities;a person with a literary reputation;a celebrity with no official post;celebrated scholar;person with literary reputation
名士 [míng shì]
  • (1) [celebrated scholar;person with literary reputation;celebrity with no official post]

  • (2) 以诗文等著称的人

  • 汉世之所谓名士者,其风流可知矣。--《后汉书.方术传论》

  • (3) 很有名望但不做官的人

  • 勉诸侯,聘名士。--《礼记.月令》

名士[míng shì]
  1. 作为首席执行官,他手下云集了一批优雅的名人名士。

    As chief executive , he assembled a polished stable of celebrities .

  2. 于是,他前往吴郡,求教名士陆机、陆两兄弟。

    Thereupon , he went to Wu prefecture to seek the advice of the two noted6 brothers , Lu Ji and Lu Yun .

  3. 2009年MTV音乐录影带大奖红毯以时尚浪潮向我们问候,音乐界的名士和明星齐聚一堂,参与这场夺人眼球的名人时装展。

    The 2009 MTV Video Music Awards Red Carpet greeted us with a wave of style , as the glitterati1 of musical and celebrity world gathered for an eye-popping display of entertainment couture .

  4. 除非有保健在,否有1名士

    " Unless a health worker is present , 1 nurse "

  5. 多少年来,闻人名士都曾在电视上推销商品。

    For years , celebrities had been pitching products on TV .

  6. “竹林七贤”之名大约起源于东晋时期,或称“竹林名士”。

    The name of Zhulin Qixian was named in East Jin Dynasty .

  7. 他能进名士堂,这一点也不特别。

    He 's very deserving to be in the Hall of Fame .

  8. 一些名士呼吁大家协力找回小女孩。

    Some notable celebrities are appealing for help in finding the girl .

  9. 试论魏晋风度&名士理想人格的美学透析

    On the Manners Typical of Wei-Jin Dynasties-Analyses of the Ideal Character of the Celebrities

  10. 放达不羁是魏晋名士的一种时代性标记。

    Bohemianism was the epoch symbol of the learned celebrities in the Wei-Jin Dynasties .

  11. 阐释这一时期名妓画家群体与当时文人名士的密切关系。

    The relationship between famous prostitute artist population and famous literaties in this period was illustrated .

  12. 归隐派与名士风度&废名、沈从文、汪曾祺论

    Retirement School and Their Personage Demeanour : From FEI Ming , SHEN Cong-wen to WANG Zeng-qi

  13. 南朝文化名士张融思想与创作的时代气息

    Thought and creation of Zhang Rong

  14. 名士总是与一定时期的社会环境、主流思想相联系的。

    Celebrities are always relevant to the social environment and the main ideas of certain period .

  15. 中国传统的知识分子是“精英&名士型”的。

    Traditional Chinese intellectuals are elite-oriented .

  16. 魏晋名士人格心态的另一面

    The Other Side of the Personality and Heart of Those Famous Peoples in Wei Jin Dynasty

  17. 魏晋风度的产生和形成,标志着名士对理想人格的追求。

    The form of their demeanor is a symbol of their desire to seek ideal personality .

  18. 是真名士自风流&论袁枚对女性的关爱许多知名人士都被认为具有自己的特殊风格。

    Yuan Mei s Concern for Women ; Some wellknown individuals considered to have distinctive styles .

  19. 最后,魏晋名士看似滑稽不羁的行为背后,隐匿着浓浓的人间真情。

    Finally , with strong feelings hidden behind , Wei-Jin celebrity seemed much funny and unruly .

  20. 名士渊源于后汉,汉末的社会环境、风尚对名士有较大的影响。

    The movement of striking groupings had great influence on the literature of the late Han Dynasty .

  21. 绍兴作为“名士之乡”,众多的名人故居成为了本地的旅游与文化特色。

    As the " Hometown of Celebrities ", Shaoxing is featured by many Former Residences of Celebrities .

  22. 其二,魏晋名士确立了后世文人高雅的审美趣味以及文艺格局。

    Secondly , they established the elegant aesthetic taste and the pattern of literature and art for later intelligentsia .

  23. 论汉末名士到魏晋士族的复杂历程&以汉末颍川荀、陈、钟三家为中心

    On the complex process of becoming nobles in the Wei and Jin Dynasties from celebrities in the late Han Dynasty

  24. 附录部分是是魏晋名士大事年表,系统性地对研究对象所涉及的参考文献进行梳理。

    Finally , the appendix is Wei-Jin Celebrities ' chronological table , which is a literature review of study object .

  25. 肯定了玄学名士通过实际参与政治,维持东晋中期平稳安定局面的重要作用。

    Affirmed the metaphysics scholar through participating in politics , maintain the smooth and stable situation the important role of medium .

  26. 刘为金代著名学者,首位词赋状元,当时名士多出于其门下,号称“一世师宗”。

    Liu Wei , who got a first in the highest imperial examination , was a famous scholar in Jin Dynasty .

  27. 被视为孤标亮节、高雅做霜的象征,代表着名士的斯文与友情。

    Be regarded as solitary standard bright festival , decorous do frost , the symbol of representing a brilliant image and friendship .

  28. 对嵇康的痛苦及其克服痛苦的方式进行解析,有助于我们获得对嵇康名士风度及其实质更深刻的了解。

    We can understand Ji Kang 's behavior and its true meaning better through analyzing his torture and the way he withstood it .

  29. 战国时期,赵国有位名士叫公孙龙。

    Gong sun Long , is a famous scholar lived in the State of Zhao during the Warring States Period ( 475-221BC ) .

  30. 统治者在宋初,就成立了翰林图画院,广招名士,规模庞大,体制完备。

    In the Song Dynasty , on the establishment of the Imperial Court picture , wide strokes celebrities , large-scale , comprehensive system .