
  • 网络Notional Defined Contribution;NDC;notional account system
  1. 欧盟国家社会养老的制度选择及其前景&兼论名义账户制对欧盟的适用性

    The Future and the Institutional Choice of the Old Age Security in the EU Countries : the Feasibility of NDC

  2. 有部分学者认为可以引进名义账户制,但笔者认为名义账户制也是解决转制成本的一种过渡性质的养老保险模式,在过渡的阶段可以引入,但最终也是要转向做实个人账户的道路。

    Some scholars believe that we can introduce notional defined contribution . But the author thinks that NDC is also a kind of transitional mode for pension , and it will eventually turn to individual account .

  3. 在全球社会保障制度的改革中,名义账户制的诞生是一个制度创新。

    The birth of nominal account number system is a systematic innovation in the reform of the global social security system .