
  • 网络Old age social security
  1. 由此,提出了路径2的梯度发展思路及其有关的政策内容,以期对我国老年社会保障制度的建立与完善提供理论参考。

    From this , the paper proposes the gradient development ideas and the related policy advises to realize the path 2 , and hope that these works can provide the theory references to establish and improve our old age social security system .

  2. 针对我国社会保障水平的薄弱环节,本文从完善我国老年社会保障体系、农村社会保障制度和社会保障统计制度等方面提出政策建议。

    According to the weak areas of the social security level in our country , this article puts forward the policy recommendations from perfecting the old age social security system , rural social security system and social security statistic system of our country .

  3. 其次介绍了老年社会保障理论。

    And it will introduce the theory of the aged society endowment secondly .

  4. 中国老年社会保障对策研究

    The approaches of social security for the aged

  5. 美国老年社会保障政策的历史考察

    A study on the history of the social welfare policy for the aged in the U.S.A

  6. 美国老年社会保障制度奠定于20世纪30年代罗斯福新政时期。

    American social welfare system for the aged was established during the period of Roosevelt 's New Deal in the 1930 's.

  7. 长春市城乡人口老龄化与老年社会保障问题研究

    Study on the Problem of Population Aging and Social Security for the Aged in the Urban and Rural of Changchun City

  8. 逐步完善覆盖城乡的老年社会保障制度,发展一批老年社会福利机构,积极开展社区为老服务,加强老年社会服务队伍建设,调整社会福利事业管理职能。

    Gradually perfect the old social security system which covering urban and rural areas , and develop a number of elderly social welfare institutions , actively carry out community service for the elderly , strengthening social services building of the contingent of the elderly , adjusting social welfare management functions .

  9. 城市贫困老年群体社会保障缺失分析

    Analysis about Lack of the Urban Poor Groups of Social Security Old-Age

  10. 对农村老年人社会保障问题的思考

    Consideration of the Issue Concerning the Social Security for Senior Citizens in Rural Areas

  11. 第六部分是加快青州市老年人社会保障发展的对策建议。

    Part VI is to accelerate the development of social security of older persons Qingzhou policy proposals .

  12. 老年社会经济保障是整个社会保障体制中最重要的内容之一。

    Elderly social economic security is one of the most important contents in social security system as a whole .

  13. 英国较早建立了老年人社会保障制度,成为当今世界老年人社会保障制度的重要源头之一。

    British earlier established the elderly People social security system , to become one of the important sources about the elderly People social security system of the world .

  14. 第二部分是农村老年人社会保障制度的相关理论基础,介绍了相关的基本概念和所用到的基本理论支撑。

    The second part is the social security system in rural areas related to older theoretical basis to introduce the relevant basic concepts and the basic theory used in support .

  15. 第四部分是青州市老年人社会保障问题分析,基于实地调研,分析了青州市农村老年人社会保障所面临的主要问题和产生问题的原因。

    The fourth part is the social security system Qingzhou old problem analysis , field-based research , analysis of Qingzhou rural elderly social security faces major problems and causes of the problems .

  16. 许多老年人仅靠社会保障金无法生活。

    Many older people cannot get along on just their Social Security checks .

  17. 当前农村老年人的社会保障需求

    Rural Senior Citizen 's Demand on Social Security

  18. 我国已步入老年社会,社会保障的重要性日益突出。

    China has stepped into an aged society .

  19. 农村老年人口的社会保障状况已经成为社会普遍关注的热点问题。

    Social security of rural old population has already become a focus at present .

  20. 但是,我国老年人的社会保障权并未得到应有的重视,老年人社会保障权保护不力。

    But in fact , their right to social security has not been paid more attention by the state .

  21. 以及根据以上各国老年人的社会保障制度,提出了发展我国老年人社会保障制度的一些启示和借鉴。

    And according to the above all countries ' social security system , put forward some enlightenment and reference of China .

  22. 他对群众说,现在他年纪越来越大了,他更加注意给老年人的社会保障项目。

    He told the crowd that as he gets older , he is paying more attention to social welfare programs for the elderly .

  23. 他们不敢对中产阶级实行提高税率的政策,也不敢减少老年人的社会保障和医疗福利,这样做必定会使自己的支持率急速下滑。

    They cannot bring themselves to raise taxes on the middle class or cut Social Security and medical benefits for the elderly . They 'd get clobbered at the polls .

  24. 其次,采取措施建立小城镇职工养老保险制度,逐步解决农村老年人的社会保障和医疗保障问题;

    Secondly , one should apply measures to establish endowment insurance system for people in small town and solve gradually social insurance and hospitalization insurance for aged people in the country ;

  25. 在如今的财政环境中,我们必须警觉地确保老年人的社会保障、长期护理和公共保健权益不受影响。

    In the current fiscal environment , we must be vigilant in ensuring that the provision of social protection , long-term care and access to public health for the elderly is not undermined .

  26. 老年保障是社会保障中最重要的内容,在社会老龄化背景下,大部分城市老年人会在社区度过自己的晚年时光,社区老年保障肩负着重要的责任。

    Old Age Security is the most important part in Social Security , with the rapid development of population aging ; most of the urban elderly spend his old age time in the community .

  27. 对农村老年人的社会保障需求进行研究,有利于完善农村社会保障制度,从而进一步丰富有中国特色的社会保障理论体系。

    Carry on research to rural social security demand of the elderly , favorable to improve the rural social security system , thus further enrich the theoretical system of social security with Chinese characteristics .

  28. 现在,不管是发达国家还是发展中国家,都比较关注老龄化趋势下的社会保障问题,尤其是老年人的社会保障问题,而医疗保险则成为了老年人养老的重中之重。

    Now , whether developed or developing countries , are more and more concerned about the aging social security problems , especially the elderly social security , and the elderly medical insurance has become a top priority .

  29. 老年人口是社会养老保障制度成效信息的直接感受者。

    The aged people are directly affected by the results of the social pension security system .

  30. 中国城乡丧偶老年人供养及社会保障研究

    A Research Over the Sustenance and Social Security of Widowed Aged People in Chinese Cities and Countryside