
  1. 当一个统治者代替另一位时,就会有一串名字从历史书上除名。

    When one dictator replaces another , a fresh set of names has often to be deleted from the history books .

  2. 也许会效仿周围的剧院——它们最近分别以戴维·格芬(DavidGeffen)和戴维·H·科克(DavidH.Koch)命名——把另一位富有捐款人的名字刻在历史悠久的大都会歌剧院(MetropolitanOperaHouse)的墙上。

    And perhaps , following the lead of its neighboring theaters recently renamed for David Geffen and David H. Koch , slapping another wealthy donor 's name on the storied Metropolitan Opera House .

  3. 他的名字和中国历史是分不开的。

    Eg. His name is inseparable with the history of China .

  4. 他的名字将与历史伟人的名字相提并论。

    His name will be ranked with the great names of history .

  5. 现在,这个名字将成为历史。

    That name would go away .

  6. 那段影像为他们带来了数百万美元,但也把他们的名字同美国历史上最臭名昭著的事件之一联系在了一起。

    It garnered them millions of dollars , but tied their name to one of the most infamous events in U.S. history .

  7. 它的名字来源于历史时期的焚语string-ay,它寓意着乐队的本体类似角。

    It takes its name from the Sanskrit word string-av era , which means " with a body like a horn ," as in antlers .

  8. 他的名字将与历史上伟大的名字并列。全字身字:是副用来排标题的大写字母活字,字面估全字身长,并无配合使用的小写字母。

    His name will be ranked with the great names of history . Title fount : Type fount of capitals that are the full body height , with no matching lowercase alphabet and used for headlines or titles .

  9. 恐怕他的名字现在会成为历史的注脚。

    I 'm afraid that his name will now become a footnote in history .

  10. 盘古名字反映不同的历史进程和丰富的文化内涵。

    The name of " Pangu " reflects different historical periods and rich cultural connotation .

  11. 这是一条记录天津百年沧桑的街道,它的名字就是一部历史。

    This street records the vicissitudes of Tianjin in the past century , which can be seen from its name .

  12. 人们在开始这项特别工作之前,通常会进行很多仪式。但对于一些日本人来说,肯尼迪的名字和他的家族历史让这一仪式尤其重要。

    There is a lot of ceremony involved when anyone starts this particular job , but for some Japanese , Kennedy 's name and her family 's history with Japan makes this especially significant .