
hòu zuò lì
  • recoil;recoil force;kick
后坐力 [hòu zuò lì]
  • [recoil] 见反冲力

  1. 这个后坐力是相当恐怖的,因为搭载它的A-10雷电攻击机的2个引擎每台只能产生4吨的推力。

    It produces almost 5 tons of recoil force , which is crazy considering that it 's mounted in a type of plane ( the A-10 " Warthog " ) whose two engines produce only 4 tons of thrust each .

  2. 低后坐力技术是协调火炮威力、机动性和精度三者之间矛盾的关键技术。

    Low recoil force technology is a key technology that coordinates three contradictions of gun power , mobility and fire accuracy .

  3. 属于或是采用减小后坐力影响之设计的武器。

    Of or being a weapon that is designed to minimize recoil .

  4. 火箭靠自身携带的燃料推进,意味着发射火箭的后坐力极小。

    Rockets are self-propelling , which means they have very little recoil .

  5. 强壮到可以消除后坐力?

    Nick : Yeah , but strong enough to bury a recoil ?

  6. 后坐力没有那么厉害吧!

    Come on ! There cannot be such recoil , can there ?

  7. 跳动的球;颠簸的骑;大炮的后坐力。

    Jolting ride ; the jouncing guns of the battery .

  8. 因而如果你向下开枪,那么后坐力就会把你往天上推。

    So if you fire downward , the recoil should push you up .

  9. 舰炮后坐力函数的非线性回归

    Nonlinear Regression of Recoiling Force Function of Naval Gun

  10. 这是后坐力操作,自动武器,从开放的螺栓开枪。

    It was blowback operated , automatic weapon that fired from the open bolt .

  11. 看这样对克服后坐力有没有帮助。

    See if that helps with the recoil .

  12. 枪因后坐力的作用撞着他的肩膀。

    The gun kicked his shoulders .

  13. 捷格加廖夫的后坐力很大,西蒙诺夫后坐力相对较小,采用5发弹仓供弹。

    The Simonov 's recoil is smaller and it has5 bullets in its magazine and semi-automatic feed .

  14. 在试验的基础上得出手提式电磁铆枪回弹体质量对输出力和后坐力的关系。

    The relations of recoil mass to output force and recoil force was obtained based on the experiments .

  15. 分析了手提式电磁铆枪后坐力、噪声大的原因,建立了铆枪隔振系统力学模型;

    The mechanism of noise production by riveter is analysed and the mechanical model of vibration isolation system is founded .

  16. 该攻击将造成强大后坐力,使你在使用该技能后被击倒(囧)。

    The sheer power of the attack causes a strong recoil , causing you to be knocked down after the attack .

  17. 因此,减小后坐力的影响是进步远程气动灭火炮整体性能的关键题目之一。

    So reducing the impact of recoil is the key problem to improve the overall performance of long-distance aerodynamic extinguishing cannon .

  18. 喷气反推式低后坐力武器通过从膛内导出部分火药气体经喷管向后喷射实现了大幅度减小后坐冲量的目的。

    Reversely jet low recoil weapon dramatically reduces recoil impulse by jetting the gas reversely from the bore through the nozzle .

  19. 喷管气流反推减后坐技术是近年来研究广泛的一种有效减小武器后坐力的新技术。

    Recent years , technology of reducing the recoil force by jet gas is a new effective technologies to reduce recoil .

  20. 减小武器的后坐力,提高武器的射击精度已成为武器装备核心技术中一项重要而又长期的研究课题。

    It is an important and long - term research task to reduce the recoil and improve the fire precision of the weapon .

  21. 结果表明,采用液压缓冲器是降低大口径狙击步枪后坐力的可行技术途径。

    The result illuminated that using the hydraulic bumper in big caliber sniper rifle to reduce the heavy kick is a feasible technology approach .

  22. 这个喷嚏的后坐力太强了,弹得呜兹整个身体向后飞出,一屁股坐进一株盛开的大王花花芯里。

    The recoil sneeze too strong , playing back Woods flying out of the whole body , butt sitting in a blooming flower heart king .

  23. 因此,采用耦合双联装的方式,可以达到减小后坐力,提高系统射击精度的目的。

    Therefore , it is possible to reduce the recoil force and heighten the fire precision of weapon systems by adopting the twin-mounted coupling solution .

  24. 从仿真分析的结果来看,带有摩擦吸能缓冲系统的远程气动灭火炮的后坐力对炮架的影响明显减小。

    Thirdly , the two buffer programs on the basis of the actual physical parameters has been simulate based on the virtual prototype simulation software ADAMS .

  25. 本实用新型采用单腔室多孔、斜孔式的冲击―反作用式结构,有效降低射击后坐力;

    The utility model adopts a single chamber multi-bore and slant bore impact , namely , a reaction structure , thereby effectively alleviating the recoil after shooting ;

  26. 在火炮设计过程中,应对各种降低后坐力的技术进行综合分析与对比,提出相容性好的低后坐力技术应用方案。

    In the course of gun design , application program of low recoil force technology was introduced by means of comparison and analysis of various recoil force reduction technology .

  27. 火炮后坐力试验台架的动态特性,直接影响火炮发射试验时的测试准确度,并会对火炮性能的准确评价产生影响。

    The dynamic behaviors of the artillery recoiling parts have an important effect on the measurement accuracy of the artillery launch test and the evaluation of the artillery performance .

  28. 降低火炮后坐力技术主要有前冲技术、超长和串联超长后坐技术、二维后坐技术、炮口制退器技术、膨胀波减小后坐力技术和电(磁)流变技术。

    Gun recoil force reduction technology mainly include out-of-battery , superlong and tandem superlong recoil , 2D recoil , muzzle braking , rarefaction wave gun and electromagnetic rheologic fluid etc.

  29. 浮动技术作为减小武器后坐力的一条有效技术途径,其应用的关键是浮动机结构参数与自动机运动参数的合理匹配。

    In order to effectively reduce recoil force transferred from a type of automatic gun to carriage , it is necessary to set up the buffering device between receiver and cradle .

  30. 对于武装直升机载的航空火箭武器系统,如果发射后坐力过大,将对载机的飞行姿态和安全造成严重影响。

    If the backward force is overload , the flight attitude and the safety of the armed helicopter will be affected seriously in the aerial rocket weapon system of armed helicopters .