
pào duì
  • artillery forces
  1. 协助炮队吊起射孔滑轮。

    Help the perforating crew to hoist the pulley for perforating .

  2. 美国和德军迫击炮队,将不再改变头像就变成敌人。

    US and Wehrmacht mortar teams will no longer charge head on into enemies .

  3. 特别刺激他神经的是敌人的海军炮队。

    There was a battery of naval guns that had gotten on his nerves .

  4. 它可能确实有助于抵御侵略者的入侵,但是当它建成的时候大炮已经得到完善了,一个炮队可以摧毁这里所有的城墙。

    It probably did serve the purpose of keeping invaders out , but it was finished just as the new cannons were being perfected ;

  5. 两个营,鼓上蒙着黑纱,倒背着枪,一万国民自卫军,腰上挂着刀,国民自卫军的炮队伴随着棺材。

    Two battalions , with draped drums and reversed arms , ten thousand National Guards , with their swords at their sides , escorted the coffin .

  6. 俄国步兵驻守在地势略高的地方,他们既没有前去支援炮队,也没有随着奔跑的士兵朝一个方向退却。

    A little higher up stood Russian infantry , neither moving forward to the support of the battery , nor back in the same direction as the runaways .

  7. 在最后的例子中,你可以看到,幽魂炮正在瞄准一队步兵。

    In this last example you can see that this specter is trying to target a group of infantry .