
pào wèi
  • emplacement;battery;fort;gun emplacement
炮位 [pào wèi]
  • (1) [gun emplacement]

  • (2) 一门火炮的射击位置及其所必需的附属设施,诸如伪装物、弹药箱等

  • (3) 在野外用于安放火炮、机枪等的平台和支架等

炮位[pào wèi]
  1. 非跟踪体制炮位侦察雷达目标自动识别技术的实现

    Realization of automatic target identification in non - tracking mode emplacement reconnaissance radar

  2. 非跟踪体制炮位侦察雷达要实现目标的自动识别,其关键技术是背景杂波的处理和对目标信号的识别。

    Based on the key techniques of automatic target identification and static clutter wave processing , target signal identification in the non-tracking mode emplacement reconnaissance radar is discussed .

  3. 利用MonteCarlo法,确定对坦克临战队形射击的火力分配方案迫击炮位应尽量避开敌军直接火力打击。

    DETERMINATION OF THE FIRE-POWER DISTRIBUTION OF THE TANK COMBAT-READY FORMATION FIRING BASED ON MONTE CARLO METHOD The mortar position should be protected from direct-fire weapons as best as possible .

  4. 夜里你除了重新布置阵地还要挖炮位。

    During the night you re-deploy and dig the gun in .

  5. 本文还给出了现场爆破效率和炮位的关系。

    Relation between cleavage efficiency and the shooting-hole position is also given .

  6. 卫星导航定位仪的设计及在炮位侦校雷达中的应用

    Satellite Nevigation Device and Its Application in Artillery Location Radar

  7. 炮位侦校雷达对低径向速度目标的检测方法研究

    Study on Low Doppler Velocity Target Detecting Method With Artillery Location Radar

  8. 某炮位侦校雷达目标模拟器的研制

    Development of Target Simulator for A Certain Artillery Location Radar

  9. 舰炮炮位半自动开环稳定瞄准系统

    Semiautomatic Open-loop Stabilizing Sighting System for Firing Position of the Naval Gun

  10. 某炮位侦校雷达抗干扰能力测量研究

    Measuring Research on Anti-jamming Ability for an Artillery Locating and Firing Correction Radar

  11. 相控阵炮位雷达多目标处理软件仿真

    Multiple-target Simulation Software of Fire Finding Phased Array Radar

  12. 炮位雷达定位精度的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Positioning Precision of Artillery Location Radar

  13. 对炮位侦校雷达精度评价的探讨

    CORRECTION On Evaluation of Artillery Locating Radar Accuracies

  14. 地面炮位侦察雷达的几种火炮定位方法

    Several Artillery Locating Methods of the Firefinder Radar

  15. 不同炮位爆破对裂纹扩展影响初探

    A Preliminary Investigation of the Influence of Explosion at Different Positions on Crack Propagation

  16. 迫击炮位应尽量避开敌军直接火力打击。

    The mortar position should be protected from direct-fire weapons as best as possible .

  17. 全向迫炮炮位测定雷达系统由炮膛磨损规律确定火炮初速减退量

    Omnidirectional mortar locating radar system Determination of Muzzle Velocity Loss by Law of Bore Wear

  18. 介绍了利用卡尔曼滤波器估计弹道参数进而外推出敌方炮位的方法。

    A method for estimating trajectory parameters by Kalman filter is introduced in this paper .

  19. 美军炮位侦校雷达新进展

    Growth of American Firefinder Radar System

  20. 卡尔曼滤波器在炮位侦察雷达中的应用那位侦探假定伍德先生是犯人。

    Application of Kalman filter in cannon locating radar The detective put the case that Mr. Wood was a criminal .

  21. 那个军士抓住一个士兵的肩膀,用膝盖顶了他一下,引起一阵哄笑。快到五号炮位,把它推上来!

    And the sergeant , taking one of the soldiers by the shoulder , gave him a shove with his knee .

  22. 实践证明,该系统成功的为高射速自动炮位移和速度测试提供了一个稳定、小成本、便携式的解决方案。

    It proves that the system successfully provides a stable , low cost and portable solution for auto-gun displacement and speed test .

  23. 该智能应答器已完成了对炮位雷达信号的测试,取得了令人满意的效果。

    The test for the intelligent responder is completed for the signal of the weapon location radar and the test result is satisfactory .

  24. 炮位侦察校射雷达是现代雷达技术的一个重要分支,它在军事领域中具有重大的应用价值。

    Artillery target-search and gun-pointing adjustment radar is a very important branch in modern radar technology . It has a very important application value in military area .

  25. 介绍了一种炮位雷达智能应答器的系统构成、基本原理、主要功能及其实现。

    In this paper the composition , basic principle and main functions of one intelligent responder of weapon location radar as well as its implementation are introduced .

  26. 战场环境的不断恶化和电磁环境自身的复杂,要求炮位雷达具有良好的环境适应能力。

    The battlefield environment becomes worse and worse and the electromagnetic environment is complicated , which requires the gun position radar has favorable ability to adapt the environment .

  27. 按照他们的说法在和坦克交火时我们炮组的7个人会全部在炮位上。

    Engagements against tanks as they depict them now , when the whole crew , all seven , are at the gun & we would never in life do that .

  28. 本文从雷达有效抗干扰改善因子概念出发,提出了某炮位侦校雷达抗有源杂波干扰能力的定量测量方法。

    Proceeding from the concept of effective anti-jamming improvement factor , the paper presents a measuring method of active clutter anti-jamming ability for an artillery locating and firing correction radar .

  29. 利用相似理论,对火炮弹道、结构强度、主要功能部件及炮位土壤建立了力学相似关系;

    In this paper , based on the dynamic similitude theory , similitude relationships of the artillery ballistics , artillery intensity , major artillery components , and the emplacement soil are established .

  30. 在获得耳轴倾斜角等关键数据后,火炮终端机将自动完成装定诸元的计算并传送到炮位显示系统。

    After gained the key data on cant of trunnions etc , gun terminal set will finish the count automatically on loading data and transmitting to the showing system of the gun position .