
  1. 开口位于d柱中心,左后处。

    The opening is located at the left rear , in the centre of the d-pillar .

  2. ST段下移测量点为J点后80ms处。

    The depression of ST segment was measure 80 ms after J point by computer .

  3. 根据模型,风粉混合温度测点最佳位置在风粉混合后3m处。

    Based on the model , the best location of temperature measuring point to be 3 m after mixing the air with pulverized coal .

  4. 再向巩膜方向分离至角膜缘后3mm处,形成一巩膜袋。

    It was disassociated to 3 mm of post-corneal limbus on the sclera and formed a sclera bag .

  5. 应用观察内镜直接自单侧鼻腔进入,于鼻中隔后1/3处作1.0cm的鼻黏膜剥离,离断骨性鼻中隔根部,暴露双侧蝶窦开口,咬开蝶窦前壁进入蝶窦腔。

    A nasal endoscope was used to open the anterior wall of the sphenoid sinus .

  6. 方法描记常规12导联和V3R~V7R,以连续2个QRS波群的TP连线为基线,测量Ⅱ,Ⅲ,V3RV7R导联J点后80ms处ST段抬高的幅度。

    Method The routine 12 channels and V 3R ~ V 7R leads were used . connecting 2 consecutive TP lines of QRS complex as the base line , the amplitudes of ST elevation at 80 ms post J point of each lead of ⅱ . ⅲ .

  7. 结果①与性别、年龄相当的正常人相比,ALS病人的NAA/Cr比值在右侧大脑脚区、左侧内囊后肢前部及左侧中央后回处显著降低(P<0.05);

    Results ① The level of the NAA / Cr ratios in ALS patients was lower than that of the normal controls in the right cerebral peduncle , left anterior of the post limb of internal capsule , and left postcentral gyrus ;

  8. 糖尿病史,术前TIMI血流分级,支架直径,ACCAHA病变分型,支架植入后病变处管腔血流速度为支架植入术后再狭窄的独立危险因素。

    Diabetes mellitus history , TIMI blood stream grade of pathological blood vessel before the operation , stent diameter , ACC / AHA pathological type , blood flow rate of pathological blood vessel after coronary stenting are the independent risk factors of coronary post stenting restenosis .

  9. 45d后120cm处渗漏液中K+浓度才随着施肥量的增加而上升,推测其运移速度为27cm/d。

    Concentration of K ~ + in the leachate at 120 cm depth ascends with the fertilizer quantity applied after 45 days , and the movement velocity of potassium in the test is about 2.7 cm / d.

  10. 急性力竭性跑台运动方案速度为28m/min,以动物不能坚持负荷跑速,滞跑道的后1/3处达3次以上,刺激驱赶无效(10s)为力竭标准。

    Acute exercise were exhaustion treadmill running with speed of 28 m per minute . The exhaustion standard was the rat could not keep the speed and stagnant stay in the 1 / 3 back part of the treadmill even with electricity stimulation for 10 s more than 3 times .

  11. 并于后正中处纵行切开直肠肌鞘。

    Indulging going in after central incises the rectum muscle sheath .

  12. 采用遗传算法编程的公式计算冷弯型钢构件的扭转屈曲应力扭曲被弯曲或扭转后所处的状态

    Genetic Programming-Based Formulation for Distortional Buckling Stress of Cold-Formed Steel Members

  13. 有传染病的被感染后所处的病态。

    The pathological state resulting from having been infected .

  14. 扭曲被弯曲或扭转后所处的状态。

    The condition of being twisted or turned .

  15. 剖宫产术后瘢痕处妊娠的彩色多普勒超声

    Color Doppler Ultrasonic Imaging of Cesarean Scar Pregnancy

  16. 在鞋底的前脚掌和后脚跟处,构成复合结构。

    Complex structure is formed at the fore sole and heel of the sole .

  17. 水平方向的热超声振动使一次键合后界面处形成一层水平长条晶粒;

    Layer - formed grains caused by ultrasonic vibration are observed at the bonding interface .

  18. 桡动脉途径冠状动脉介入术后穿刺处包扎止血方法的循证护理

    Evidence-based Nursing : Bandaging and Hemostasis for Puncture Point after Coronary Intervention by Radial Artery Path

  19. 45号圆钢加工制成扳手后印痕处发现裂纹。笔者对45号钢扳手进行了金相检验及分析。

    The cracks of spanners made of hot-rolled round steel 45 were analysed by metallographic examination .

  20. 大鼠坐骨神经损伤修复后吻合处力学性能的动态观察

    Dynamic observation of the biomechanic properties of sciatic nerve at the suture site in rats following repairing

  21. 这可能与脑梗塞后所处的恢复过程的时相与运动形式的异常有关。

    This result may be eorrelated with the phase of recover process and unusualness of motive form .

  22. 扭曲被弯曲或扭转后所处的状态使(某物)向后或向下变曲或弯曲。

    The condition of being twisted or turned . curve or bend ( something ) back or down .

  23. 根据医生们对那些患严重猪流感的人有趣的观察后得处的答案是可能的。

    Perhaps , according to doctors who have made anecdotal observations about who 's hardest-hit by swine flu .

  24. 后两处的泄漏叫做外漏,即介质从阀内泄漏到阀外。

    Leakage after the two called the leakage , that leakage of media from the valve to the valves .

  25. 钉子的两头需要黏在木头上,因为车子在地上行驶一段时间后接合处会松掉。

    The nails heads were glued onto the wood because they became loose after some pushing around the floor .

  26. 他形容上周自己被捕后所处的关押场所的条件相当恶劣。

    He said conditions in the jail where he was held briefly after his arrest last week had been woeful .

  27. 目的探讨剖宫产术后瘢痕处妊娠的临床特征、诊断和治疗方法。

    Objective To describe the clinical characteristics , diagnosis , the method of treatment of cesarean scar pregnancy ( CSP ) .

  28. 兔的左侧下颌体切除后缺损处用脱蛋白猪骨移植,右侧下颌骨体切除后骨缺损区用自体下颌骨移植。

    The deproteinized swine bones were grafted in the left defect of lower border of mandible and the autogenous graft in the right ones .

  29. 脑袋和口吻:头顶显得平坦,后脑不突出(后枕骨处)。

    Skull and Muzzle Top of skull should be flat , showing no prominence at nuchal crest ( the top of the occiput ) .

  30. 依据试验资料,通过对挖槽水流影响因素的因次分析,提出挖槽后轴线处的流速计算式。

    Based on experimental data , through dimensional analysis of the influence factors of channelling flow , put forward the computative formula for velocities along axis after channelling .