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jiào zǐ
  • Godson;godchild;god-son
教子 [jiào zǐ]
  • [godchild;godson] 在洗礼时某人为教父,而教父保证将其教养成为基督徒

教子[jiào zǐ]
  1. 在教子面前,他非常局促不安。

    He was rather awkward with his godson .

  2. 他赞扬我母亲教子有方。

    He complimented my mother on the way she had trained her children .

  3. 原文鸿渐知道这些话虽然对自己说,而主要是记载在日记和回忆录里给天下后世看方遯翁怎样教子以义方的。

    Hung-chien knew that while these remarks were said to him , they were intended primarily to be recorded in a diary or in memoirs Tun-weng had brought up his son in accordance with truth and righteousness .

  4. 《知心家庭》&大型现代家教节目。家长的朋友,教子的桥梁。

    Family Communication - a modern family education program for parents .

  5. 我还想来看看我的教子

    I wanted to check in on my godson as well .

  6. 阿列克托是教皇最欣赏的教子和学生。

    Alecto is the pope 's favorite godchild and pupil .

  7. 一会儿,他仔细想他多么爱这个教子。

    For a moment he reflected on how much he loved this godson .

  8. 你必须承认,伊泽尔·沃西基的确教子有方。

    You have to figure that Esther Wojcicki taught her daughters pretty well .

  9. 你要是再敢教训我如何教子

    If you carry on prating at me how to manage my son !

  10. 我为你焦虑,你是我的教子,那是全部。

    I worried about you , you 're my godson , that 's all .

  11. 他在肩膀上轻拍着他的教子。

    He patted his godson on the shoulder .

  12. 教子就能判断病人是否有救,并因此出了名,也挣了大钱。

    He became famous for his skill , and earned a GREat deal of money .

  13. 他是一个好教子。

    He is a good godson .

  14. 孟母又说:“这里也不是我们可以居住教子的地方。”

    Again the mother said " It 's not good for a child to live here . "

  15. 因此先父对他这个教子乔治·韦翰恩宠有加。

    and on George Wickham , who was his god-son , his kindness was therefore liberally bestowed .

  16. 一次孟子逃学,孟母就割断织机的布来教子。

    Mencius once played truant , and she cut the cloth she was weaving to show her seriousness .

  17. “君子之远其子”与“君子之不教子”论

    On " gentleman 's estrangement of his son " and " gentleman 's not instructing of his son "

  18. 我教许多孩子做姜饼,让他们体会做姜饼的乐趣,我的一群教子也是跟我学做的姜饼。

    I have since taught many children the joys of making gingerbread , including my vast menagerie of godchildren .

  19. 不错,我已经有了9个还是10个教子,但这并未让我丧失资格情况恰恰相反。

    Sure , I have nine or 10 godchildren already , but this does not disqualify me quite the reverse .

  20. 孟母说:“这里不是我们可以居住教子的地方。”

    His mother said , " It 's not good for a child to live in this kind of place . "

  21. 猫说,不比你的那些教子叫什么偷面包屑的更糟吧?

    What does it signify , said the cat , it is no worse than Crumb-stealer , as your god-children are called .

  22. 莱姆斯·卢平和尼法朵拉·唐克斯的儿子泰迪·卢平,同时也是哈利波特的教子,没有在书中露面。

    Teddy Lupin , Potter 's godson and the son of Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks , does not make an appearance .

  23. 我非常挂念我亲爱的教子,只希望在我的信到之前他已不打寒战了。

    I am very much concerned for my dear godson , but hope before this reaches you his ague will have left him .

  24. 如果继续将教子理财的重任交给那些由于自身缺乏理财知识,正濒于贫困边缘或已在贫困境地的父母的话,很难想象怎样实现整个社会的富裕。

    How will a nation survive if teaching children about money continues to be left to parents most of whom will be , or already are , poor ?

  25. 然后我发现,我的一位教子的母亲将孩子送进了蔬菜教育班。这个孩子还不到3岁,对蔬菜有一种还算健康的不喜欢。

    Then I discovered that the mother of one of my godchildren , not yet three and with a healthy dislike of vegetables , is sending him to vegetable classes .

  26. 为什么老头子竟然答应欺骗他的教子。相反地,平凡的骗子却善于假扮圣人欺骗大众。

    Why did the Don allow the counterfeiters to cheat his godson ? On the other hand , even ordinary charlatans are expert at deceiving others by behaving like saints .

  27. “好啦,现在我祝我亲爱的,亲爱的,亲爱的教子晚安,再见了,”托克斯小姐说道,她每当重复说一次那个形容词的时候,都要伴送出一阵阵温柔的吻。

    ' And now good-night to my sweet , sweet , sweet , godson , 'said Miss Tox , with a soft shower of kisses at each repetition of the adjective ;

  28. 伊丽莎白又深思了一会儿,然后大声说道:你是他父亲的教子,朋友,是他父亲所器重的人,他怎么竟这样作践你!

    Elizabeth was again deep in thought , and after a time exclaimed , To treat in such a manner , the godson , the friend , the favourite of his father !

  29. 我的股票升了,于是乎,不只是夏洛特,连她的父母也,也觉得我不再只是一个出身贫寒沉闷的孩子,我是康斯坦斯肖克罗斯的教子。

    My stock had risen , it seemed , not just with Charlotte but with her parents also . I was no longer just a dull child from an impoverished background ; I was Constance Shawcross 's godchild .

  30. 正如我教子的姑妈所说,我们都上过父母教的蔬菜教育班那个教学大纲很简短:不吃光盘子里的东西不准离开饭桌。

    As my godson 's aunt pointed out , we all had vegetable classes delivered by our parents - the syllabus was very short : You are not getting down from the table until you have eaten what is on your plate .