
  1. 挖掘历史地段民俗文化积淀,创造历史城市地方保护特色&以扬州市老城区教场地段改造为例

    On the Reconstruction of Old City District in Yangzhou

  2. 本文讨论了矩形波导两个宽面上对开的纵向缝隙对的特性,导出了求解教射场的通用表达式,可求出等效参数。

    The properties of the longitudinal slot-pair on opposite wide walls of a rectangular waveguide are analysed . The general formulas used to find the solution of scattering fields are derived , and the equivalent parameters may thus be found as well .

  3. 星期浸教将举场典礼。

    Baptist will hold a ceremony this Sunday .

  4. 该模型同时也解释了脉冲电磁场比同参教的连续场产生更多的生物效应,以及连续场在开始施加和切除时的效应最大。

    The model also explains why pulsed electromagnetic fields can produce more biological effects than continuous fields of the same characteristics , or why the greatest effects of a continuous field may occur with onset or removal of exposure .

  5. 十九世纪英国国教内部的一场反对自由主义倾向的运动。

    19th-century movement in the Church of England opposing liberal tendencies .