
  • 网络educational resources allocation
  1. 教育资源配置效率研究

    Research on the Efficiencv of the Educational Resources Allocation Photosynthetic Efficiency

  2. 我国高等教育资源配置与利用研究

    The Study on China 's Higher Educational Resources Allocation and Utilization

  3. 基于GP模型的高等教育资源配置研究

    On Finance Deposition of Higher Education Based on GP Model

  4. DEA模型在高等教育资源配置评价中的应用&以贵州省为例

    Application of DEA Model to Resources-Allocation Evaluation of Higher Education & Taking Guizhou Province as an Example

  5. 贵州省教育资源配置的政策选择

    The Policy Choice of Disposition of Educational Resources in Guizhou Province

  6. 职业教育资源配置优化论:以南宁市为例

    Optimize Resources Distribution of Vocational Education : A Case of Nanning

  7. 我国教育资源配置方式选择研究

    A Study on the Selection of Education Resources Allocating Mode in China

  8. 论高等教育资源配置与使用

    Study of the allocation and utilization of higher educational resources

  9. 从择校看我国义务教育资源配置的公平性

    On the Fairness of Education Resource Distribution through Selecting School

  10. 次发达县域义务教育资源配置问题的研究

    A Study on the Compulsory Educational Resources Allocation in the Developing County

  11. 优化教育资源配置形成教育有效供给

    Optimizing the disposition of educational resources to make education supple more effective

  12. 我国公办高等教育资源配置的现状分析及其优化方略

    Improving Method and Situation Analyze on Allocation of Resource of Chinese Public-colleges

  13. 教育资源配置是否科学合理,将决定教育的成败,不可小视。

    The success of education depends on scientific allocation of education resources .

  14. 高校教育资源配置效率的实证分析

    Empirical Study on the Efficiency of Higher Education Resources Allocation

  15. 江西高等教育资源配置的现状及优化途径

    Status and Optimization of Resources Allocation in Jiangxi Higher Education

  16. 城乡义务教育资源配置研究

    The City Country Compulsory Education Resources Installs the Research

  17. 试论我国高等教育资源配置在市场经济中的变革及抉择

    Change and Choice of Source Disposition in Higher Education under Socialist Market Economy

  18. 天津市高等职业教育资源配置的研究

    Study on Allocation of Tianjin High Vocational Education Resources

  19. 我国高等教育资源配置方式转换与制度环境

    The Transformation of Higher Education Resource Allocation and Its Institutional Environment in China

  20. 教育资源配置失衡,危及社会安全和发展。

    The unbalanced educational resource endangers the safety of the society and development .

  21. 教育资源配置的目标规划模型及应用

    Application of Objective Programming Model in Teaching Resource Distribution

  22. 我国大城市人口控制与教育资源配置的协同研究

    Cooperative Research on Population Control and Distribution of Educational Resources in Chinese Metropolises

  23. 并对义务教育资源配置的城乡偏差问题进行深层次剖析。

    The close analysis of the deviation of resources allocation of compulsory education .

  24. 高等教育资源配置:规律与变迁趋势&学术、市场、政府在优化高等教育资源配置中制衡的约束条件

    Allocation of Higher Education Resources : Regularity and Trend

  25. 教育资源配置的公平与效率分析

    Distribution of our education resources : fairness and efficiency

  26. 本文认为在这些不公平中教育资源配置不公平是最为关键的。

    This paper holds that the unfairness of education resource allocation is critical .

  27. 教育资源配置效率比一般的教育产出更为重要。

    The efficiency of education resources allocation is more important than usual education outputs .

  28. 美国高等教育资源配置对我国高等教育的启示

    Inspiration from American Higher Education 's Resource Allocation

  29. 关于高等教育资源配置方式的合理选择

    On Reasonable Resources Allocation Mode in Higher Education

  30. 通过对国防教育资源配置宏观和微观层次的界定,避免了对国防教育资源配置这一术语的混淆和误解。

    And it avoids the misunderstanding of the terms by defining macro and micro allocation .