
  • 网络moral education;Moral Objects;moral objective;Moral Aim
  1. 高校德育目标应该体现先进文化的发展方向

    Aim of Higher-School Moral Education Should Embody Orientation of Advanced-Culture Development

  2. 关于普通高等教育德育目标的思考

    Reflections of the Target of Moral Education of the Higher Institutions

  3. 责、权、利、位统一的规章与德育目标、责任相结合。

    The connection of responsibility , . power and moral goals .

  4. 生物课程中德育目标的变革与启示

    The evolution and enlightenment of the moral objective in biology course

  5. 职业学校德育目标的定位与实施

    Positioning and Implementing the Objectives of Moral Education in Vocational Schools

  6. 开展创造教育实现德育目标

    Carry Out the Creative Education to Fulfil the Object of Moral Education

  7. 关于我国德育目标设定之思索

    On the Arrangement of Moral Education Aim in Our Country

  8. 其次对我国不同时期的德育目标进行阐述。

    The second part of our moral goals in different periods described .

  9. 德育目标是培养全体国民的美国精神;德育实施出现多样化的形式和方法;

    The goal of moral education is foster nation 's American spirit .

  10. 道德教育的客体指道德文化信息,是德育目标的反映与体现,需要随着社会变迁不断地调整自身。

    The object of moral education refers to information of moral culture ;

  11. 论高校德育目标的实现途径

    On the approach to reach the aim of moral education at university

  12. 德育目标:培养学生英语学习中的自信及兴趣。

    Moral education : To build up students'confidence and interest in English-learning .

  13. 培养君子,还是培养新民?&孔子与梁启超德育目标比较

    A comparison of moral education targets advocated by Confucian and Liang Qichao

  14. 传统语文德育目标的继承性

    The Inheritance of The Goal of Traditional Moral Education in Chinese Teaching

  15. 基于伦理学视角的高校德育目标的反思与重构

    Reflection on the Ethics about the Goals of Moral Education and Reconstruction

  16. 关于德育目标系统的思考

    In Consideration of the Moral Character Education Destination System

  17. 试论内蒙古地区警察学校德育目标的确立

    On Establishing Purpose of Moral Education about Police Academy in Inner Mongolia Region

  18. 在德育目标的设置上,应有层次性;

    The moral education should aim at different levels .

  19. 学校德育目标内容的分层研究

    The Layering Research on Moral Education Target and Substance in the Educational Institution

  20. 这些问题是:德育目标和功能的定位不准确或存在偏差;

    These questions are : inaccuracy and deviation in moral goal and function ;

  21. 构建德育目标的依据及其原则

    Bases and principles for constructing moral education goals

  22. 中外高校德育目标的比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Goals of Moral Education in Universities at Home and Abroad

  23. 三要让德育目标真正有效的实践。

    Thirdly , we should put the objectives of moral education into practice effectively .

  24. 论德育目标的价值蕴涵

    On the Value Implication of Moral Education Aim

  25. 儒家德育目标探微

    A Study on the Objective of Confucian Moralism

  26. 薪火承传铸华章&狮城教育印象中新学校德育目标的比较;

    The comparison on the purpose of moral education at school in China and Singapore ;

  27. 论校园文化和德育目标的一致性

    A discussion on the consistency between the campus culture and the object of moral education

  28. 顺应时代发展,调整德育目标。

    ( one ) suit the times development , and change the moral education concept .

  29. 网络时代高校德育目标实现的思考

    Reflections on the Achievement of the Goals of University Moral Education in the Network Age

  30. 自由、和谐:高等教育与高校德育目标融合的境界。

    Fourth , freedom and harmony : The target fusion realm Higher Education and moral .