
  • 网络intuitive education
  1. 随着媒体技术的发展,直观教育逐渐演化为视听教育。

    Object Education evolved into Audiovisual Education later with its development .

  2. 媒体技术起源于19世纪末和20世纪初的直观教育。

    The origin of media technology is the object education in the end of 19 century and early 20 century .

  3. 要做好新时期高校学生思想政治工作,就必须适应形势发展的需要,在对大学生进行灌输和直观教育的基础上,采取以人为本的、间接的、灵活的、渗透力较强的迂回策略。

    To do the work well , we should , according to the requirement of the new situation , take the human-centered , indirect , neat and strong infiltrating outflanking tactics on the basis of imbuing the students and object education .

  4. 经多年的演变与使用,它确实简化了语言繁琐叙述过程,形象且又直接地表达动作内容,发挥了直观的教育作用。

    As a result of their evolution and use for many years , the body motions have really simplified the narrative process of the tedious language . The body motions can directly show the contents of the action and give full play to the object func - tion of education .

  5. 课程是高校培养高素质人才的重要载体,课程政策能直观反映出教育政策。

    Curriculum is the important carrier of universities to cultivate engineer , curriculum policies can reflect education policy intuitively .

  6. 许多拥有丰富的人力和物力资源的高校也因此建立了诸如网络电视台、视频点播系统等基于校园网的视频播放平台,旨在为学生们提供更直观和丰富的教育教学资源。

    Many colleges and universities have abundant human and material resources , they established a number of systems campus network video broadcast platform , such as network television , video on demand system , and they hope to provide a more intuitive and rich teaching resources for students .