
  • 网络direct contact transmission;direct contact infection
  1. 但费希称有越来越多的此种致命病毒可能变异并通过直接接触传播给人类的担忧。

    Fauci said there is growing concern the deadly virus could mutate and be spread by direct human contact .

  2. 埃博拉病毒是经与被感染者的血液、分泌物、器官或其它体液的直接接触传播。

    The Ebola virus is transmitted by direct contact with the blood , secretions , organs or other body fluids of infected persons .

  3. 它通过动物之间的直接接触迅速传播。

    It spread easily through direct contact among animals .

  4. 与受感染人的血液、体液和组织直接接触可传播马尔堡病毒。

    The Marburg virus is transmitted by direct contact with the blood , body fluids and tissues of infected persons .

  5. 猪瘟病毒主要通过直接接触进行传播,感染猪成为传染源。

    The swine fever spread mainly through directly contact with the virus , the infected pigs become the source of infection .

  6. 雅司病主要通过与受感染者的直接皮肤接触进行传播;

    Yaws is transmitted mainly through direct skin contact with an infected person .

  7. 其它动物通过直接接触把疾病传播给人。例如,猎人接触受感染的兔子和松鼠可能染上兔热

    " Other animals spread disease to humans by direct contact . For example , a hunter may get tularemia , or rabbit fever , when he handles an infected rabbit or squirrel . "

  8. 他就像一种寻麻疹,他并不影响人类,但其在海豚之间的传播和病毒在人们之间的传播是一样的,通过直接接触和空气传播。

    It 's kind of like measles , it doesn 't affect humans , but it spreads the same way between dolphins as a virus would spread between people , through direct contact or through the air .

  9. 接触传染通过直接或间接接触来传播的疾病。

    Disease transmission by direct or indirect contact .

  10. 乳头瘤病为一种轻度的接触性传染病,可由直接或间接接触而传播。

    As a mildly contagious disease , papillomatosis is transmitted by both direct and indirect contact .