
  • training;Training school;school
  1. 培训学校求聘经验丰富的教师。

    The training school advertises for experienced teachers .

  2. 本项目的开发是针对培训学校教学管理的现实条件,设计出一种基于Internet网络环境下使用的培训学校教学管理系统。

    The project development is the training of school management for the current conditions , to design an Internet network environment , using the training school teaching management system .

  3. 在参观中国一家英孚英语培训学校(EFEnglishFirstschool)时,我总是感受到课堂中的热情和能量,证明他们学习英语的热情丝毫不减。

    And when I visit one of our EF English First schools in China , the energy and enthusiasm I consistently witness are indicative that the desire to learn English continues unabated .

  4. 从中找出目前学校薪酬体系中存在的问题,针对这些问题对TE培训学校的教师薪酬体系进行再设计。

    To find out the problems in the school salary system , and I redesigns the teachers ' pay system .

  5. 你从设计过主页的话,你可以去一家互联网培训学校选修一门超级文本标注语言(HTML)的课程。

    If you 've never created a Web page before , you may go to take a HTML design course in an Internet training school .

  6. MSW研究公司和戴尔-卡耐基培训学校10月份的一项调查显示仅有区区29%的员工会全身心投入工作。

    An October survey by MSW Research and Dale Carnegie Training found only a mere 29 % of employees are fully engaged .

  7. 立花正英现在每天早晨5点起床,去参加Gaba英语培训学校东京中心分部的早间课程。

    Tachibana now gets up at5:00 a.m.to take morning lessons at a central Tokyo branch of Gaba , an English language school .

  8. 艾尔波特在不久前离开了“人间”,他的主人迪恩波默洛创办了一所名叫R2的“金鱼培训学校”。

    Which has since passed away , was trained by Dean Pomerleau , creator of the R2 Fish School .

  9. 本文旨在通过对TE培训学校教师竞争环境及现状的分析,有效合理的开发利用人力资源。

    This article aims to TE training school teachers in a competitive environment and the status , effective and rational development and utilization of human resources .

  10. PDS是美国大学的教育学院与地方的公立中小学或学区合作成立的一种师资培训学校。

    PDS is a partnership between a teachers college / school of a university and one or several elementary / secondary schools .

  11. 项目采用软件工程的开发方法,以建模方式分析设计描述语言,选用J2EE框架结构,对该管理系统进行了需求分析和系统设计,此系统的开发大大提高了培训学校教学管理的信息化时代。

    Project uses the software development approach to modeling methods of analysis and design description language , the management system needs analysis and system design , greatly improve training school management information age .

  12. 据Cessna公司称,已经有中国的飞行培训学校订购此型号飞机。

    Some training schools in China already have ordered the airplane , Cessna said .

  13. 在洛杉矶经营一家圣诞老人培训学校的蒂姆•康诺翰说,孩子们会听到E打头的单词,但不是埃尔莫(Elmo,儿童电视节目“芝麻街”中的玩偶名字),而是经济。

    ' Kids will hear the E-word , but it 's not Elmo , 'says Tim Connaghan , who runs a Los Angeles Santa-training school . 'It 's the economy . '

  14. 本文以TE培训学校为研究对象,首先介绍相关薪酬理论知识和现代薪酬设计的发展趋势,结合学校教师薪酬体系的现状,对学校教师薪酬进行满意度调查。

    This paper studies on TE training school , first introduces the development trend of related salary theories and salary design , combines with the status of the school teachers ' pay system and then makes a satisfaction survey of school teachers ' salaries .

  15. 同时对于百海教育培训学校固定资产管理系统中涉及到的数据库进行了设计,包括数据表基本关联,数据库连接,核心数据表E-R图,以及数据库的表结构描述。

    Hundred Sea Education Center fixed asset management system related to the database design , including basic data table associated database connection , core data tables E-R diagrams , as well as the database table schema .

  16. 丰田公司的经销商培训学校&雷克萨斯学院的全国经理威廉姆森说,丰田公司希望LFA的驾驶者为万众瞩目。

    ' We want people who will drive the car , who will be seen in the car , 'said Paul Williamson , national manager at Lexus College , Toyota 's dealer training school .

  17. 如果有人是从南方来的,你就会明白,你从来不会混淆暑期圣经学校与BTU培训学校或最好的学校。

    And if anybody is here from the South , you understand that vacation Bible school is not to be confused with BTU training school or Sunday-go-to-meeting school .

  18. 在培训学校的时候,我在很多方面都尽了自己最大的努力。

    I stretched myself all over the place in coaching school .

  19. 如果你致电这些培训学校也什么都得不到。

    If you call these training schools you get no information .

  20. 他以前在淄博新东方培训学校工作过。

    He used to work for new Oriental training school in Zibo .

  21. 大连微笑汉语培训学校-沟通从微笑开始!

    DL Smile Chinese School & Communication Begins From Smile !

  22. 专业培训学校的学生竟占到了45%。

    Students from professional training schools accounted for a surprising 45 percent .

  23. 大学既不是企业,也不是培训学校。

    It is neither a business nor a training school .

  24. 阿美:我听说完美生活培训学校很有名。

    May : I 've heard that the Ideal Life School is famous .

  25. 农民工技术培训学校学生预防艾滋病健康教育干预效果评价

    Effect Evaluation of AIDS Health Education among Migrant Students in Technical Training School

  26. 然而,没有一家金融培训学校或商学院取得滚滚财源。

    However , no financial training or business school is claiming a bonanza .

  27. 我们力争成为世界上领先的语言培训学校。

    We strive to be the best language training school in the world .

  28. 近期的美术培训学校,来学画画的大多都是高中学生。

    Recently , most students in fine art training schools are high school students .

  29. 欢迎您来我们燕园华清英语培训学校学习。

    Welcome to yantsing Education English training school .

  30. 没有学问是指彼得和约翰并没有在祭司的培训学校正式修道。

    Unschooled meant they had not gone to Training School to become a Priest .