
  • 网络TRAINING;training services
  1. 本论文所提出的基于SOA的中小企业信息化培训服务平台的架构设计具有跨平台、松耦合、可重用性以及可扩展性,以满足不同系统的业务服务的集成。

    This paper have proposed is based on information to the soa the SME training services platform of the architectural design a cross-platform , pine coupling and reusability , and extensibility to satisfy different systems of the service of integration .

  2. 任何超过最大工日数、或造成培训服务或技术支持服务变更的额外服务,将由业主根据本协议附录3c中规定的承包商专家的日息率向承包商支付。

    Any additional services exceeding maximum man-days or causing the change in training services or technical support services shall be compensated by the customer to the Contractor by applying per diem rates of the specialist of the Contractor as defined in appendix3c of the agreement .

  3. 核电厂模拟机的培训服务软件CI系统

    Cl System of Training Service Software in Tsinghua University Nuclear Power Plant Simulation

  4. 百思买可以与GA或其他培训服务提供商合作,将其大卖场作为培训中心。

    Best buy can bring in GA or other providers and use part of their big box stores as training centers .

  5. 玛丽•希维罗现任CivielloCommunicationsGroup总裁,这家咨询公司专为高管提供演讲与媒体培训服务。

    Mary civiello is president of civiello Communications Group , a presentation and media coaching consulting firm that works with top executives .

  6. 目前以游学及留学咨询、国际交换生为核心,拥有个人DIY留学服务、短期特色课程培训服务、文化传播等多个发展平台。

    We build lots of platform for growth , such as personal service of DIY study abroad , short-term characteristic training course , cultural diffusion , etc.

  7. 教育与职业培训服务机构卡普兰考试培训学校(KaplanTestPrep)11月对法学院招生办人员进行的一项调查显示,迄今为止,已有51%的法学院缩减了入学新生的班级规模。

    So far , 51 % of law schools have cut the size of their entering classes , according to a November survey of law school admissions officers by Kaplan Test Prep , the education and career services provider .

  8. 台湾创新竞技场(TaiwanStartupStadium)是由政府创立的倡导机构,旨在为创业公司提供融资和培训服务。其负责人黄蕙雯(AnitaHuang)表示,台湾需要更多的创业榜样,给有抱负的创业者带路。

    Anita Huang , the head of Taiwan Startup Stadium , an initiative started by the government to lift start-up funding and training , said there was a need for more role models to show the way for aspiring entrepreneurs .

  9. WeWork空间帮助孵化出了麦肯锡学院(McKinseyAcademy)——这个在线培训服务让麦肯锡与作为高管教育传统提供者的商学院展开了更直接的竞争。

    The WeWork space has helped to incubate McKinsey Academy , an online training service that brings the company into more direct competition with business schools , the traditional providers of executive education .

  10. 针对培训服务的架构模型,从WCF数据层、WCF服务层设计与实现培训服务,利用ⅡS对培训服务进行统管理,实现客户发现和调用服务的过程。第四,培训服务的开发与集成。

    In view of the architecture model for training services , we use ⅱ S unified management services to achieve customers-find and invoking services process from the WCF data layer , WCF service layer . Lastly , the development and the service integration of training service .

  11. 关于提升行属院校培训服务内涵的思考

    Thoughts on Improving Service Connotation of Bank - affiliated Training Schools

  12. 培训服务产业价值链浅析

    Briefly on the value chain of training service industry

  13. 运用学校教育资源开展就业培训服务的思考

    Using College Teaching Resource to Conduct Employment Training Service

  14. 提供高质量的培训服务,是获得市场的重要因素。

    Providing the high quality of training service is the important gain of market share .

  15. 详细描述公司咨询及培训服务。

    The company specializes in consultancy , training and coaching to firms on different levels .

  16. 除非另有说明,国外培训服务是指操作及日常维修。

    Unless otherwise stated , the overseas training service is concerned with operation and routine maintenance .

  17. 我们致力于向企业,成人和少儿提供专业的英语培训服务。

    We are devoted to provide professional English training services to enterprises , adults and children .

  18. 请阅读这篇教程和一些其他培训服务,其中介绍的都是最基本的内容。

    Try the this tutorial and other educational offerings , which cover the most fundamental topics .

  19. 提供用户培训服务;

    Rendered user training service ;

  20. 成人英语培训服务消费是近年来增长最快的消费热点之一。

    Adult English-training service is one of the fastest soaring consumptive hot-points in recent years in China .

  21. 我们为幼儿园、学校、大学和一些教育机构提供咨询和培训服务。

    We offer consulting and training services for kindergartens , schools , universities and other educational institutions .

  22. 介绍了最近5年来,北京大学图书馆用户培训服务以及文献检索课的发展情况。

    This paper introduces the development of information literacy in Peking University Library in the recent 5 years .

  23. 在此基础上我们讨论了对未来在线检索帮助学习系统构建以及离线用户培训服务可能的途径。

    And then we discuss the possibility of construction the future online help system and offline training service .

  24. 安德拉德同时还是巴西全国工业培训服务的负责人,他希望今年能够让超过400万名学员进入就业市场。

    Andrade oversees the national industrial training service and hopes to prepare upwards of four million trainees this year .

  25. 货运代理方面,我们提供包括海外代理开拓和展览货在内的培训服务。

    For forwarding company , we provide unique training service to cover Overseas Agent Development and Exhibition Shipment Training .

  26. 上世纪80年代末,雀巢在云南开展业务,向咖啡种植者提供培训服务,并收购他们的咖啡。

    Nestl é started operations in Yunnan in the late 1980s , offering training and purchasing coffee from growers .

  27. 她后来成为一名谈判顾问,为包括对冲基金经理和电视节目制作人在内的众多职场人士提供培训服务。

    That led to a career as a negotiations consultant , training everyone from hedge fund managers to TV producers .

  28. 就业培训服务外包给培训机构,政府不应该将这部分职责当包袱一样甩掉,仍需承担相关责任。

    Governments should not cast off this part of the responsibility as the burden . They still bear the relevant responsibilities .

  29. 中小企业信息化培训服务系统是整合当前中小企业所需的各种培训资源的一个服务平台。

    SME information service training system is a service platform which can integrate all kinds of training resources of current business .

  30. 以满足学生就业需求为目标,实行全程教育培训服务;

    One must aim at meeting the career need of the students and provide them with full course training and education service .