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dé zhèng
  • benevolent rule
德政 [dé zhèng]
  • [benevolent rule] 指有益于人民的政治措施和政绩

  • 既无德政,又无威刑。--《左传.隐公十一年》

德政[dé zhèng]
  1. 屈原主张的德政与法治,二者并非矛盾,恰恰表现出他作为地主阶级杰出政治家的远见卓识。

    QU Yuan 's stand of combining the benevolent rule and the rule by law exactly expressed his foresight and sagacity as an outstanding politician of aristocratic class .

  2. 改革后,农民负担减轻25%左右,被广大农民群众誉为德政工程。

    The reform , which has reduced the farmers ' burden by 25 percent , has been well received by farmers who call it a " benevolent rule project " .

  3. 中国钢铁制造商莱芜钢铁(laiwusteel)昨日披露,公司前财务主管于德政因挪用公款被判处有期徒刑10年。

    The former chief financial officer of Laiwu Steel , a Chinese steelmaker in negotiations to sell a stake to Arcelor Mittal , has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for embezzlement , the Shanghai-listed company said yesterday .

  4. 历史上,并用来给其德政,智慧于人民的事业。

    History , and used to give its benevolent wisdom to the people .

  5. 除了获刑10年以外,于德政还被处以约1.32万美元的罚款。

    In addition to his 10-year sentence , Yu was fined about $ 13200 .

  6. 退耕还林是一项得人心、顺民意的德政工程、民心工程。

    It concludes that converting cropland to forest is a project according with public opinion .

  7. 日德政要对侵略历史的不同态度及相关思考

    Different Attitudes to Aggressive History between Japanese and Germany Politicians and Deep Thought on It

  8. 论汉初德政的历史必然性试论白马之盟与汉初政治模式的建立

    Trial Discussion about " Baima Covenant " and the Political Pattern Of the Early Han Dynasty

  9. 君主不失掉人心,德政就能传播四万。

    If he does not lose the heart of the people , his virtues will flourish .

  10. 孔子的德政思想是中国传统道德文化中一个极其重要的内容。

    Confucius ' ideas on benevolent rule constitute an important part of traditional Chinese moral culture .

  11. 孔子的德政观可以用“仁礼同构”来概括,孔子努力身体力行并且也是这样要求他的学生的。

    Confucian views on morality & politics can be summarized as " the contruction of benevolence and etiquette " .

  12. 孔子主张德政,提倡把政治道德化,政治与道德合一是孔子政治理论的特色。

    Confucius advocated ruling by moral and moralizing politics . Confucian political theory is characterized by integration of politics and ethics .

  13. 以德治国包括行德政而治国和施德教而化民两个内涵。

    Running a country with morality has two connotations : rule the country with moral administration and guide people with moral instructions .

  14. 儒家德育具有浓厚的政治色彩,本文介绍了孔、孟、荀的德政思想。

    Since Confucianism is of deep political character , the paper introduces the merciful political thoughts of Confucius , Mencius and Hsun Tzu .

  15. 周公提出了以德为核心,上配天命,下保民众的德政思想。

    Duke Zhou made " moral " as the core , that undertaking the " Command of Heaven " above and protecting the people under .

  16. 其中,第一章分析孟子游历前期,即在邹出“仕”与首次游齐,孟子依据孔子“仁”的学说和德政思想提出“仁政”观点;

    Among them , the first chapter focuses on analysis Mencius comes into power and tours Qi kingdom for his first time in his life .

  17. 但与此同时,它也是一项国家投入大量资金,开仓济贫的德政工程。

    But , meanwhile , it also is the " moral governor " engineering that is based on mass capital , supporting the poor by opening the depot .

  18. 农村绿化作为农村生态良性发展的基础之一,也是惠及农村千家万户的德政工程。

    The rural greening is the base of the optimum development of the rural ecology , and it is also a beneficial project to all families in the countries .

  19. 一句话,民生工程就是政府为民办实事、办好事的民心工程、德政工程,是立党为公、执政为民的现代版为人民服务的具体体现。

    In a word , citizens life project is our government to hold the matter " popular project ", is the power for the people and serve for the modern version .

  20. 自2000年退耕还林工程在湖南省实施以来,取得了有目共睹的成绩,被农民誉为民心工程和德政工程。

    The obvious achievements had been gotten in the implement of the Returning Land for Farming to Forestry Project in Hunan since 2000.The project was called morale project and benevolent rule project .

  21. 周初历史上,在政治地位、历史功绩、德政思想对孔子和儒家影响方面,与周公影响齐名的还有一人,就是召公。

    SHAO Gong is as important as ZHOU Gong in political position , achievements in history , benevolent rule thought as well as influence on Confucius and Confucianism in the early Zhou Dynasty .

  22. 但是,必须从历史唯物主义的角度进行辨析,才能够客观地把握宋王朝德政的真正内涵国际政治中的道德困境

    But must we study it under the viewpoint of historical materialism so that we can grip the real meaning of the moral politics of the Song Dynasty . Moral Dilemma in International Politics

  23. 发展小水电代燃料生态工程是真正把光泽县建成现代化小康县的富民工程和德政之举。

    Developing the ecological project of replacing fuel with small hydropower which can really make Linze county built as the modernization well-off county is both the virtue political action and the people enriched project .

  24. 和合价值目标的确立是由中国古代以农业为主的自然经济、血缘&宗法关系以及德政一体的政治基础所决定的。

    It is determined by the natural economy based on agriculture as the main production form in ancient society , by the consanguinity-patriarchal clan system and on the foundation of moral and political beliefs .

  25. 这样,孟子在继承孔子德政思想的基础上,就将道德扩展到了政治的各个层面,使其成为政治生活中处理各种关系和问题的首要核心原则。

    Thus , Mencius inherited Confucius ' political ideology and spreaded it to all levels of politics , and thereby became the main core principle of dealing with relationships and problems in political life .

  26. 在国家目的论看来,由于国家的公共性在于其正义性、美德性,因而国家公共性的实现要依赖于国王,君主的个人道德修养和人格品质,治理国家应以德政为主。

    According to the points of the teleology of nation , the realization of nation depends on morality and character of king and governing nation by administration of virtue the publicity of nation is based on justice and virtue .

  27. 湖北省启动农村教师素质提高工程,开展农村乡镇中小学教师、校长培训是一项德政工程和民心工程。

    It is a " good work " and " popular project " to start work to improve the quality of teachers in rural Hubei Province and carry out the training for primary , secondary teachers and principals in rural township .

  28. 这些均反映出儒家慎刑德政法律思想对于西夏诉讼审判制度的影响。第七章、西夏的亲属法律制度。

    All of the foregoing reflects the influence of the Confucian legal principle of to be cautious with penalty and to be benevolent in governing on the Tangut litigation and judicial system . Chapter ⅶ examines Tangut Law of Domestic Relations .

  29. 在《论语》中,我们可以看到许多现代行政管理思想的相应萌芽及其基本价值观念,如德政的思想,任人唯贤的思想,仁者爱人的思想,正人先正己的思想等。

    In Confucian Analects , sprouts of many modern administration thoughts and basic value conceptions were observed , such as benevolent government , let people but wise , charity governors , sweep before one ′ s own door , with the righteousness to get benefit .