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  1. 28头体重在10kg左右杜长约三元杂交瘦肉型猪随机分成4组,每组7头。

    28 lean pigs ( Duroc × Landrace × Yorkshire ) at about 10 kg BW were randomly asigned to one of 4 groups with 7 pigs each .

  2. 牡丹江市杜长约(杜约长)三元杂交猪繁育体系的研究

    The Study on Duroc × Landrace × Yorkshire ( or DYL ) of Swine Breeding System in Mudanjiang City

  3. 选用120头体质健康的三元杂交(杜×长×大)生长猪,平均体重为(34.7±5.1)kg,随机分为5组,每组4个重复,每个重复6头。

    120 healthy three-way crossed growing-finishing pigs with a body weight of 34.7 ± 5.1 kg were selected and divided into 5 groups , each with 4 duplications , and each duplication had 6 pigs .

  4. 选择72头35±1日龄、平均断奶体重(10.33±0.34)kg的健康三元(杜×长×大)杂交仔猪,按体重和性别分成4个处理组,每处理组3个重复。

    A total of 72 crossed piglets ( Duroc × Landrace × Large White ) with 35 ± 1 days of age ,( 10.33 ± 0.34 ) kg BW were divided into 4 groups , with 3 replicates per treatment by weight and gender .

  5. 选用15kg左右的杜×长×大或杜×大×长三元杂交瘦肉型小猪70头,分成5个组,设2个对照组及3个试验组。

    Three-way cross bacon type pigs with starting weight 15 kg of Duroc × Landrace × Large White or Duroc × Large White × Landrace were randomly divided into five groups . There were two control groups and three experiment groups .

  6. 为试验SSTR疫苗对肉猪促生长及血浆相关激素的影响,30头体重相近的杜×长×梅三元杂交猪随机分成试验组(SSTR疫苗组)和对照组(生理盐水组)。

    To investigate the effect of SSTR vaccine on growth performance and relevant hormone in plasma , thirty cross-breed ( Durol × landrace × Meishan ) growing pigs with similar weight were randomly divided into experimental group ( SSTR vaccine group ) and control group ( saline group ) .

  7. 杜×长×大生长育肥猪体蛋白沉积模型及氨基酸需要量预测的研究

    Modeling protein accretion and amino acids requirement in Duroc × Landrace × Yorkshire cross-bred growing-finishing pigs

  8. 选择体重15.0kg左右的仔猪(杜×长×大)48头,随机分成2组,每组3个重复,每个重复8头。

    Forty-eight piglets ( Duroc × Landrace × Large white ) weighing about 15 kg were assigned to 2 groups randomly , each with three replicates of 8 piglets .

  9. 采用2个3×3拉丁方设计,选用6头杜×长×大阉公猪测定了仔猪对纤维来源和水平不同的日粮的消化率。

    In an experiment with two 3 × 3 Latin square design , six Duroc × Langdrance × Largewhite castrates were used to investigate the effects of dietary fiber sources and level on nutrient digestibility and utilization in piglets .

  10. 以72头平均体重(5.06±0.49)kg的21日龄杜×大×长断奶仔猪为研究对象,探讨了日粮添加金霉素对肠道核因子NF-κB活化的影响。

    Seventy-two piglets ( Duroc × Large White × Landrace ) weaned at 21 days weighting ( 5.06 ± 0.49 ) kg were used to study the effects of chlortetracycline on the activity of intestinal nuclear factor NF - κ B for a period of 15 days .

  11. 试验一,采用单因子随机区组设计,选用平均断奶体重8.1kg的三元杂交(杜×大×长)仔猪90头,随机分为5个处理。

    1 , 90 piglets with initial BW of 8.1 kg were fed one of five diets in a randomized block design for 28d .