
  • 网络Diocesan Bishop;bishop
  1. 大教堂里有那个教区主教的宝座。

    A cathedral contains the throne of the bishop of that area .

  2. 中梵关系在2006年4月陷入低谷,当时中国单方面任命马英林为云南省昆明教区主教。

    Sino-Vatican relations hit bottom in April 2006 , when China unilaterally ordained Ma Yinglin as bishop of Kunming , in south-western Yunnan Province .

  3. 这位美萩教区主教指出,目前天主教书店出售的越南语基督宗教词典大部分都是翻译自外文。

    Most Vietnamese Christian dictionaries sold in local Catholic bookstores are translated from foreign originals , he noted .

  4. 捣乱人士谴责香港教区主教陈日君两篇反对同性婚姻的文章。

    The activists condemned Hong Kong 's Roman Catholic Bishop Joseph Zen Ze-kiun over two recently articles published in a church newsletter against same-sex marriages .

  5. 牧师职位的替代或具有教区主教职位的邓:不但我辞职,我们老一代的都不兼职了。

    Answer : I will not be the only one to resign . All other comrades of the older generation are giving up their concurrent posts .

  6. 在年度神恩复兴运动大会中,韩国全州教区主教李炳浩推动教友为家人覆手祈祷。

    During the annual conference for charismatic renewal yesterday , a bishop in South Korea recommended Catholics to bless others in their family by touching them .

  7. 当年在希尔斯堡球场莱平巷看台遇难的96位利物浦球迷的家属对以利物浦教区主教&詹姆斯·琼斯大人为首的专家小组的工作进展感到欣慰。

    The families of the96 Liverpool fans who lost their lives on the Leppings Lane terrace have been encouraged by updates from the panel , led by the Bishop of Liverpool , Rt Rev James Jones .

  8. 即使教区主教得到特殊许可可以向信徒读经,每本都是拉丁文,实际上农民听不懂。

    Even if a local parish priest was given permission to read the Bible to his flock , every copy was written in Latin , so virtually no peasants would understand what he or she was hearing .

  9. 其中的一个人就是牛津教区的主教,他参加了与著名科学家T·H·赫胥黎的辩论。

    One of these was the Bishop of Oxford , who took part in a debate against T. H. Huxley , a well-known scientist .

  10. 他获得了布拉德福EMBA学位,是英格兰中部城市拉夫堡教区副主教,负责管理180所教堂的100名英国国教教士。但是,哈克伍德对自己学位的价值从不怀疑。

    He is Archdeacon of Loughborough , in central England , with responsibility for 100 Anglican clergy in 180 churches . But Mr Hackwood has no doubt of the value of his Bradford EMBA .

  11. 主教教区中主教的助手和下级。

    An assistant or subordinate bishop of a diocese .

  12. 这位香港教区前任主教坚定地说,这样做是要「为历史留下记录」。

    " This is to leave a record in history ," the ailing Cardinal said .

  13. 蔡炳瑞周末被任命为天主教福建省厦门教区的主教。

    Cai Bingrui was ordained bishop of Xiamen , in southeastern Fujian province , at the weekend .

  14. 华中河南省南阳教区朱宝玉主教,今天(六月三十日)公开就职成为政府承认的牧者。

    Retired " underground " bishop Joseph Zhu Baoyu of Nanyang from central Henan province was installed as a government-recognized bishop today .

  15. 教区的主教来拜访他,可他跟自己说道:“不,我不愿为他开这瓶酒。他不会懂得这酒的价值,这酒的香味地也闻不出来。”

    And a bishop of the diocese visited him , but he said to himself , " Nay , I will not open that jug . He would not know its value , nor would its aroma reach his nostrils . "

  16. 参加者随后偕同家人和朋友,参与由香港教区汤汉主教主礼的弥撒,并由廿一名将陪伴青年前往西班牙的神父共祭。

    The participants later joined their families and friends at a Mass presided by Bishop John Tong Hon of Hong Kong and the21 priests who will accompany them on their trip .

  17. 这位马尼拉总教区辅理主教指出,事件中警方营救旅游巴士人质的过程混乱无章,一年过去了,但仍没有人需要负上责任。他慨叹:「为甚么?

    A year later , he said , nobody had been made accountable for the incident , in which police appeared to have made a mess of an attempt to rescue tourists held hostage on a coach .

  18. 在主教教区享有权限的主教。

    A bishop having jurisdiction over a diocese .

  19. 凤翔教区还有一位主教,是不获政府承认、八十岁已退休的助理主教张志勇,他也有参与投票。

    Retired Coadjutor Bishop Peter Zhang Zhiyong , 80 , who is not recognized by the government , was also present in the election .