
rěn tòng gē ài
  • part reluctantly with what one treasures;bear pain to give up sth. one cares for very much;endure pains silently to give away what one loves
忍痛割爱[rěn tòng gē ài]
  1. 因精力不够故忍痛割爱!

    So reluctantly must sell due to not enough energy !

  2. 但是现在是忍痛割爱的时候了。

    But it 's time for some tough love .

  3. 是的,最好是能忍痛割爱,来证明这不是你们的又一个阴谋诡计。

    Prove to me that this is not merely another one of your tricks .

  4. 要想活得轻松自在,时时都要忍痛割爱。

    Would you live with ease , do what you ought , and not what you please .

  5. 您清楚我也是您的影迷,不过我愿意忍痛割爱。

    Did you know that I am also your fan , but I am willing to reluctantly part with .

  6. 我忍痛割爱,艰难地戒糖,与糖果作了一场没有硝烟的“战争”。

    " I reluctantly must sell , hard to quit sugar and sweets made with a no smoke " war .

  7. 如果你必须减少损失,忍痛割爱吧&那个给你带来痛苦的人再不值得你的付出了。

    If you have to cut your losses , do-the person who is giving you grief is not worthy of anymore time .

  8. 王力宏感慨导演不好当,在拍摄中困难重重,而剪辑时则不得不忍痛割爱。

    Wang Li Hong signed with emotion that the director is not so easy to be , It is very difficult when filming and have to endure pain silently to part with when cutting .