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rěn dōng
  • honeysuckle;Lonicera japonica;woodbine;kiss-me-at-the-gate
忍冬[rěn dōng]
  1. 忍冬种子萌发期间PAL活性及氯原酸含量变化

    Changes of Phenylalanine Ammonia Lyase Activity and Chlorogenic Acid Content of Japanese Honeysuckle Seeds ( Lonicera japonica ) During Germination

  2. 另外,所有忍冬品种的FSⅡ氨基酸序列在亚铁血红素结合区这一保守区内均无突变。

    In addition , there is no mutation at Heme combination zone of FS II amino acid sequence of all varieties of honeysuckle . 4 .

  3. 忍冬科部分植物DNA提取方法的研究

    Study on methods of total DNA extraction from some species of Caprifoliaceae

  4. CO2浓度对蓝靛果忍冬光合生理指标的影响

    Effect of CO_2 Concentrations on Photosynthetic Physiological Variable of Lonicera edulis

  5. 本文以绿原酸、咖啡酸为含量测定指标,采用HPLC法测定了不同产地忍冬藤中绿原酸、咖啡酸含量。

    An HPLC method for determination of the content of chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid in bines of Lonicera Japonica Thurtb .

  6. 灰毡毛忍冬ISSR扩增的反应体系和扩增程序研究

    Reaction System and Amplification Process of ISSR Amplification of Lonicera macranthoides

  7. 其中木犀草素(12)和咖啡酸(14)为袋花忍冬中具有ACE抑制活性的化合物。

    Luteolin ( 12 ) and caffeic acid ( 14 ) were the ACE inhibitory components of this plant .

  8. 除蒙古绣线菊外,其它两物种(刚毛忍冬和凹叶瑞香)花及果实数量在OTC和CP内差异不显著。

    No significant differences in number of flowers and fruits for others between OTC and CP were found except Spiraea mongolica .

  9. 华南忍冬Loniceraconfusa离体快繁体系的建立

    Studies on the Establishment of Rapid Propagation System in Vitro of Lonicera Confusa

  10. 首次建立了适合忍冬的AFLP银染技术体系。

    The AFLP silver-staining technique system fitting for genetic DNA analysis of Lonicera japonica Thunb . was established for the first time .

  11. 方法:采用改良CTAB法从忍冬叶片中提取DNA,通过琼脂糖凝胶电泳、紫外分光光度法、酶切检测其质量,并与常规CTAB法比较。

    Method : Two different methods , conventional CTAB method and modified CTAB method , were applied to extract genomic DNA from leaves of Lonicera japonica Thunb .

  12. 主要研究结果如下:(1)灰毡毛忍冬新品种ISSR分子标记的研究。

    The main results of the research are as follows : ( 1 ) Research on ISSR molecular marker in new varieties of Lonicera macranthoides .

  13. 结论:提取忍冬叶总黄酮的最佳条件为:12倍量60%乙醇,水浴回流提取2次,每次1.5h。

    CONCLUSION The optimum extraction conditions of extracting total flavonoids are : 12 times 60 % ethanol , refluence for 1.5 h at water bath for two times .

  14. POPGENE1.31软件分析结果表明:甘肃省忍冬属植物具有较为丰富的遗传多样性,其多态性比率为71.93%,Shannon多样性指数与Nei指数分别为0.3230和0.2086。

    The number of loci amplified by each primer was clearly different . The percentage of polymorphic loci was 71.93 % , and Shannon 's information index and Nei 's gene diversity were 0.3230 and 0.2086 , respectively . It indicated that the Lonicera Linn .

  15. 动力吸附曲线结果表明D-101树脂2h可基本吸附完全忍冬茎叶中绿原酸,平衡吸附等温线确定适宜的样品中绿原酸浓度为1.01mg·mL-1。

    Kinetic curves of adsorption showed that D-101 could absorb chlorogenic acid from crude extract of stems and leaves of Lonicera japonica Thunb . within 2 h , and adsorption isotherms showed that the proper concentration of chlorogenic acid for the sample was 1.01 mg · mL-1 .

  16. 灰毡毛忍冬新品种组织培养的无菌体系建立

    Germfree Tissue Culture System Establishment of New Varieties in Lonicera Macranthoides

  17. 中国忍冬科荚蒾属蒙古荚蒾-新变种

    A New Variety of Viburnum Mongolicum ( Caprifoliacea ) From China

  18. 北美一种常绿的忍冬属藤本植物,开珊瑚红色或桔色的花。

    Evergreen North American honeysuckle vine having coral-red or orange flowers .

  19. 忍冬属藤本植物资源的栽培及应用

    The Study on the Cultivation and Application of Climbing Honeysuckle Resource

  20. 中味:忍冬炎亚纶,草药,玫瑰,百合。

    Middle Notes : honeysuckle , herbs , rose and lily .

  21. 金银忍冬白粉菌及其重寄生菌的报道

    A Report of Amur Honeysuckle Powdery Mildew Fungi and Its Hyperparasite

  22. 然后是忍冬花,只是要远一点才好。

    Then the honeysuckles , so they be somewhat afar off .

  23. 其中忍冬黄素6鼠李葡萄糖甙首次从植物中分离得到。

    Loniceraflavone-6-rhamnoglucoside was a new compound first obtained from plant .

  24. 忍冬叶超声提取工艺的实验研究

    Experimental study on the ultrasonic extraction process for Folium Lonicerae

  25. 安徽忍冬科野生植物资源及利用

    The Wilding Plants Resource of Caprifoliaceae in Anhui Province and Their Exploitation

  26. 俄罗斯南部至亚洲中部的一种忍冬属灌木。

    A honeysuckle shrub of southern Russia to central Asia .

  27. 小溪污染了,忍冬花凋零了。

    The branch was polluted and the honeysuckles had died .

  28. 忍冬科植物在南京园林中的应用及其前景

    The application and prospects of Caprifoliaceae plant in Nanjing gardens

  29. 一种灌木状忍冬属植物,开紫色花;产自北美西部。

    Shrubby honeysuckle with purple flowers ; western North America .

  30. 欧洲产的一种缠绕忍冬属植物,花芳香、红色和黄白色。

    European twining honeysuckle with fragrant red and yellow-white flowers .