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  • sore throat
  1. 为什么我总咽喉痛?

    Why do I always have a sore throat ?

  2. 我患感冒总从咽喉痛开始。

    My colds always start with a sore throat .

  3. 青霉素治疗儿童急性咽喉痛:随机、双盲临床试验

    Penicillin for acute sore throat in children : randomised , double blind trial

  4. 热饮还能减轻咽喉痛。

    Warm liquids can help ease a sore throat .

  5. 有时病人可能会出现咽喉痛、吞咽困难和喘鸣。

    Sometimes patients might experience also a sore throat , dysphagia or stridor .

  6. 减轻由天气乾燥而引起之咽喉痛,预防便秘,痔疮和疥癣。

    Sore throat results from dry weather , relief and prevent constipation and hemorrhoids .

  7. 你若咽喉痛,可以用盐溶液漱口。

    If you have a sore throat , you can gargle with a saline solution .

  8. 诱导药物的选择对于插喉罩之后咽喉痛的发生率是重要的。

    The choice of induction drug on airway morbidity after LMA insertion may be important .

  9. 症状在年龄较大的儿童和成年人通常是咳嗽或咽喉痛。

    The symptoms in older children and adults are usually a cough or sore throat .

  10. 没有感冒,却出现持续性的咽喉痛,咳嗽或声音嘶哑。

    There is no cold , there was persistent sore throat , cough or hoarseness .

  11. 在某些情况下是有咽喉痛,咳嗽和红色的眼。

    In some cases there is a sore throat , a cough and red eyes .

  12. 我觉得寒战,咽喉痛。

    I have a spitting headache .

  13. 如:感染艾滋病毒后的第一次症状就是低烧、感冒、咽喉痛。

    Such as : HIV infection after the first symptoms are fever , flu , sore throat .

  14. 一些感染猪流感的病人出现了流鼻涕,咽喉痛,恶心,呕吐以及腹泻的症状。

    Some people with swine flu also have reported runny nose , sore throat , nausea , vomiting and diarrhea .

  15. 果实除了开胃、助消化之外,还能止腹泻、治咽喉痛。

    In addition to fruit appetizer , in addition to aid digestion , but also just diarrhea , cure sore throat .

  16. 埃博拉的特点是突然发高热、极度虚弱、肌肉疼痛、头痛和咽喉痛。

    Ebola is characterized by the sudden onset of fever , intense weakness , muscle pain , headache and sore throat .

  17. 现在,我觉得我开始有咽喉痛,也许是由于灰尘或改变天气。

    Now , I think I am starting to have a sore throat maybe due to the dust or the change in weather .

  18. 结果两组患者发热、肌痛、乏力缓解时间,鼻卡他/鼻塞、咽喉痛、头痛、发冷/出汗症状持续时间间差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);

    The durations of coryza / nasal congestion , sore throat , headache and chills / sweats were shorter ( P < 0.05 );

  19. 医生,我非常担心我的咽喉痛。我不停地咳嗽,并且说不出话。

    Doctor , I am worried about my sore throat . I cough all the time , and I have lost my voice .

  20. 除了咳嗽和胸腔充血,支气管炎也可能导致发热,寒战,疼痛,咽喉痛及其他流行性感冒样症状。

    In addition to coughing and chest congestion , bronchitis can produce fever , chills , aches , sore throat , and other flu-like symptoms .

  21. 报告出现的典型症状有:呕吐、头痛、咽喉痛、眼睛刺激、咳嗽、呼吸困难以及某些情况下出现昏厥。据报告,这次疾病暴发发生在首都罗安达还有其它数个省份的学校里。

    The typical symptoms reported include : vomiting , headache , sore throat , eye irritation , coughing , breathing difficulties and fainting in some cases .

  22. 常见的治疗症状为咳嗽(84%),发热(66%),流鼻滴(65%)和咽喉痛(60%)。

    Symptoms commonly treated were cough ( 84 % ), fever ( 66 % ), nasal discharge ( 65 % ) and sore throat ( 60 % ) .

  23. 早期症状为严重水样腹泻、腹痛、恶心和呕吐以及严重胸腔和肺部疼痛、咽喉痛和咳嗽。

    A severe watery diarrhoea , abdominal pain , nausea and vomiting are early symptoms , as are severe chest and lung pains , sore throat , and cough .

  24. 材料与方法1971~1995年共收治11例原发于喉的恶性淋巴瘤,其主要临床表现为声嘶、咽喉痛、吞咽痛、进食异物感、吞咽困难等。

    Materials and Methods From 1971 to 1995,11 cases of primary laryngeal lymphoma were treated in our hospital . The common symptoms were hoarseness , odynphagia , dysphagia and so on .

  25. 发生与慢性疲劳相关的不同症状检出率从高到低依次为注意力及记忆力低下、全身疲劳倦怠感、头痛头重、咽喉痛、肌肉无力、眩晕、肌肉痛等;

    The incidence rate of CCFSrelated symptoms ranked from great to small as follows : poor concentration , generalized fatigue , headaches , sore throat , low muscle power , dizziness , myalgia .

  26. 人患上猪流感的症状与人流感症状相似,包括发热、咳嗽、咽喉痛、身体疼痛、头痛、寒战和易于疲劳。

    The symptoms of swine flu in people are similar to the symptoms of regular human flu and include fever , cough , sore throat , body aches , headache , chills and fatigue .

  27. 健康专家曾警告过我们这一天会到来,到那时就连治疗肺部感染或严重的咽喉痛这些普通的疾病都会变得非常困难。

    In the past , health experts warned us that the day would come in which it would become very difficult to provide medical care for even common problems , such as lung infection or severe sore throat .

  28. 一天晚上,王后因为咽喉痛而醒来。夜很静,她只能听到时钟的滴答声。

    One night , the queen woke up because of a sore throat , It was quiet ; all she could hear was the tick of the clock , The queen took a walk , but She saw a terrible thing .