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yān hóu
  • throat;pharynx and larynx;guttur;strategic passage;gula
咽喉 [yān hóu]
  • (1) [throat]∶喉咙,包括咽、食管上部、喉及气管的通向胃和肺的通道

  • (2) [gula]∶颈的前方上部紧接面颊的部分;上咽头

  • (3) [strategic passage]∶比喻形势险要的交通孔道

  • 此二处皆是汉中咽喉。--《三国演义》

咽喉[yān hóu]
  1. 报告5例咽喉淀粉样变性病例。

    Cases of amyloidosis of pharynx and larynx were reported .

  2. 咽喉淀粉样变性的治疗及预后的观察分析咽喉部淀粉样变性临床特点

    Amyloidosis of Pharynx and Larynx : Treatment and Prognosis Analysis of Clinical Manifestations of Pharyngeal and Laryngeal Amyloidosis

  3. 她感到咽喉火辣辣的疼。

    She felt a burning sensation in her throat .

  4. 症状包括头痛和咽喉疼痛。

    Symptoms include a headache and sore throat .

  5. 他们的咽喉被割断了。

    Their throats had been cut .

  6. 高浓度的臭氧会对眼睛、鼻子和咽喉有刺激作用。

    In heavy concentrations , ozone is irritating to the eyes , nose and throat .

  7. 直布罗陀海峡是地中海通向大西洋的咽喉。

    The Straits of Gibraltar are the strategic passage between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic .

  8. 呼吸器官包括鼻、咽喉及肺。

    The breathing apparatus includes the nose , throat and lungs .

  9. 有些简单的应对方法:试着侧睡或者趴着睡(有研究表明这些姿势可能会缓解打呼症状),以及避免饮酒(酒精会松弛咽喉肌肉,使空气更难通过)。

    Some easy fixes : Try sleeping on your side or stomach ( research shows those positions may reduce snoring ) and avoiding alcohol ( liquor can relax throat muscles , making it more difficult for air to get through ) .

  10. 事实纠正:你可能读到过喉头喷雾可以防止打呼——这不是真的。打呼是因为咽喉肌肉太松弛,润滑或者麻痹咽喉就会起作用的说法毫无道理。

    Reality check : You may have read that throat sprays prevent snoring -- not true . Snoring that arises in the throat happens because the muscles are too relaxed . There 's no reason lubricating or numbing3 your throat would have any effect .

  11. 一般认为维生素C对咽喉炎和感冒有疗效。

    Vitamin C is believed to help fight sore throats and colds .

  12. CO2激光治疗耳鼻咽喉部疾病的并发症及其防治

    Prevention and therapy of complications in ENT disease treated by CO_2 laser

  13. 过敏性休克豚鼠血浆咽喉肺组织中P物质的观测

    An experimental study on substance P in plasma , laryngopharygeal tissue and the lungs in guinea pigs with anaphylactic shock

  14. 应用CO2激光治疗耳鼻咽喉与体表恶性肿瘤

    The treatment of malignant tumors of ENT and body surfaces with the CO_2 laser

  15. 应用CO2激光治疗耳鼻咽喉部乳头瘤

    CO _ 2 Laser Treatment of ENT Papilloma

  16. CO2激光治疗耳鼻咽喉肿瘤

    Treatment of Otorhinolaryngological Tumours by CO_2 Laser

  17. 咽喉鳞状细胞癌组织中HPV的检测喉癌及其转移淋巴结中检出HPVDNA

    Detection of HPV structural antigens and DNA sequences in squamous cell carcinomas of the pharynx and larynx

  18. 青霉素V钾适用于青霉素敏感菌株所致的轻、中度感染,包括链球菌所致的扁桃体炎、咽喉炎、猩红热、丹毒等;

    Penicillin V potassium penicillin-sensitive strains for induced mild to moderate infections , including Streptococcus caused by tonsillitis , pharyngitis , scarlet fever , erysipelas , etc.

  19. 该研究写到,过去的研究已发现达50%的非吸烟口腔咽喉癌患者有HPV感染。

    Previous research has found that up to50 percent of nonsmokers with throat and mouth cancers were infected with HPV , according to the study .

  20. 方法:随机将需行全喉切除的喉癌或咽喉癌患者分为TP治疗组和PF治疗组,每组接受3周期化疗。

    Methods : Patients who had larynx and hypopharynx cancer that required total laryngectomy were randomly assigned to receive three cycles of TPF or PF .

  21. 用He-Cd激光治疗耳鼻咽喉科疾病

    Treatment of ENT diseases by a He-Cd laser

  22. 实验过程中每天用棉拭子采集各实验组鸡的咽喉及泄殖腔黏液,进行微量血凝试验及RT-PCR检测,以确定各实验组鸡的排毒情况。

    During the course of test , oropharyngeal and cloacae swabs were collected every day from 6 groups , and then , AIV was inspected by HA test and RT-PCR .

  23. 危险因素有口腔、唇部破损,咽喉部HSV,支气管镜下肉眼可见的支气管破损。

    Risk factors associated with HSV bronchopneumonitis were oral – labial lesions , HSV in the throat , and macroscopic bronchial lesions seen during bronchoscopy .

  24. 源性咳嗽是耳鼻咽喉科常见病症,该文报道了CO2激光加中药治疗该病的临床资料,作者首次较完整地提出了诊断标准,并对该病的病因、病机进行讨论。

    The cough caused by throat illness is common in ENT . Clinical material of treating the disease with CO2 laser and Chinese herb medicine was reported . The diagnostic standard was forwarded .

  25. 国际危机组织(internationalcrisisgroup)在今年早些时候的一份报告中指出,长期隐而未发的政治纷争将重新出现,加上splm的“专横作派”,这会扼住各项制度的“咽喉”。

    A report by the International Crisis Group earlier this year noted the return of long-simmering political disputes , alongside " a domineering approach " from the SPLM , saying it has " a chokehold " on institutions .

  26. 大约在一个月前,莎伦·吉尔伯特(SharonGilbert)出现了流涕、咽喉疼痛、咳嗽等一系列令人烦恼的症状。

    About a month ago Sharon Gilbert was hit with a runny nose , sore throat and a cough . The whole snotty works .

  27. 方法在2000~2003年采集陕西省麻疹爆发和散发病人的咽喉拭子标本56份,用EB病毒转化的狨猴淋巴母细胞(B95a)分离到麻疹病毒15株。

    Methods Genetic characterization of 15 measles viruses isolated from 56 throat swabs or urine specimens of measles patients using B95_a cell line in Shaanxi Province was studied .

  28. 目的变应性鼻炎是耳鼻咽喉科常见的疾病之一,目前AR的发病机制未完全阐明,其类固醇激素治疗效果并不理想。

    Objective Allergic rhinitis is one of common diseases in E.N.T. department , whose pathogenesis has not be totally understood yet . And the current steroids hormone therapy for allergic rhinitis is not working well .

  29. OSA发生时咽喉部后方组织塌陷并阻塞气道,阻止空气进入肺部。

    OSA occurs when the tissue in the back of the throat collapses and blocks the airway , preventing air from getting into the lungs .

  30. 结论:进展期喉癌和咽喉癌患者中,TPF诱导化疗的总体反应率高于PF化疗方案。

    Conclusions : In patients with advanced larynx and hypopharynx carcinomas , TPF induction chemotherapy was superior to the PF regimen in terms of overall response rate .