
yān yīn
  • pharyngeal
咽音 [yān yīn]
  • [pharyngeal] 咽部发出的声音

咽音[yān yīn]
  1. 咽音治疗嗓音疾病的初步临床观察

    The Preliminary Clinical Observation of Treating the Voice Disorders with Pharyngeal Voice

  2. 源自意大利传统美声唱法的靠前派面罩说、靠后派咽音说,是贯穿各声乐学派艺术理念的中心线索。

    The " forward " face guard theory and " backward " pharynx sound theory , developed from the Italian traditional Bel Canto , are the core threads that run through all ideas in various vocal music schools .