
kǒu tóu wén xué
  • oral literature;folk tales
口头文学 [kǒu tóu wén xué]
  • [folk tales,ballads,ect.handed down orally] 口耳相传,没有书面记载的民间文学

  1. 柯尔克孜口头文学题材特点都包含在他中。

    Kyrgyz oral literature and the features are contained in it .

  2. 一类口头文学的叙事结构相似性研究

    A class of oral literature in study of narrative structure similar to

  3. 史诗不同于历史,它是古老的口头文学作品,他有很多精彩的神话内容、神话形象。

    It is the ancient oral literature including many legend contents and figures .

  4. 论伊安的口头文学表演实质和柏拉图的误断

    On the Essence of Verbal Art as Performance in Ion and Plato 's Misjudgement

  5. 除了自身的文学素养,韦尔蒂的成功也得益于南方民间口头文学的潜移默化。

    Besides her own literary attainments , Welty has profited from the Southern customs of storytelling .

  6. 使这一长期零散传唱的口头文学变成了一部系统完整的文学巨著。

    This long-scattered oral literature is becoming a systematic , monumental literary work for the first time .

  7. 当代满族口头文学文本中保留的满语他是满口甜言蜜语进行推脱。

    Manchu Words Remained in Texts of Contemporary Manchu Spoken Literature ; He was most unctuous and pleading .

  8. 因为北美洲的部落仍未开创自己的文字体系,他们的文学全都是口头文学。

    Their literature was entirely oral , for the tribes of North America had not yet developed writing systems .

  9. 她的语言幽默、机智,吸取了黑人口头文学的传统。

    Her language is humorous and quick-witted , absorbing the essence of the tradition in the black oral literature .

  10. 鄂伦春民族拥有着非常丰富的神话、音乐与口头文学,这些艺术形式都深深地隐含着森林文化。

    She owns abundant of myths , music and oral literature , and all of them imply the forest culture deeply .

  11. 文化相对论的方法能够引领我们正确认识口头文学与书面文学各自的不可替代的价值。

    The third chapter introduces the method of cultural relativism in anthropology and discusses its status in the research of literary anthropology .

  12. “口头文学研究中的程式概念”,《民间文学论坛》,1996年第3期,第57~65页。北京。

    " The Concept of Formula in Oral Literature Research " . Tribune of Folk Literature , No.3,1996 , pp.57 ~ 65 .

  13. 畲族民歌是畲族人民在长期生产生活实践中创作出来的口头文学。

    The She Nationality folk songs are the oral literature created by the She Nationality people in their long practice of living and producing .

  14. 民间口头文学作为非物质文化遗产的一部分,对全社会文学文化的发展具有重要意义。

    As a branch of the intangible cultural heritage , folk oral literature is important to the development of the culture and the literature .

  15. 斯·特克尔的《工作》是一本口头文学作品,它代表了一种新的文学类型。

    Studs Terkel 's Working , a work of oral literature , represents a new literary genre and is accorded with generous praises from U.

  16. 多样的口头文学与早期殖民者著作,构成了美洲文学瑰宝的开端。

    This extensive oral literature , along with the first written works of the colonists , forms the beginning of the American literary heritage .

  17. 两个民族有语言,没文字,造就了他们拥有丰富的口头文学。而口头文学中的珍宝就是两个民族自己的史诗。

    And they only have spoken language , so they own a large quantity of oral literature , in which national epic is the treasure .

  18. 《董永与七仙女》的故事一直流传至今,成为了家喻户晓的经典民间口头文学。

    " Dong Yong with Seven Female celestial " the story has spread until now , has become the widely known classical folk oral literature .

  19. 二是作为一种口头文学,它深受演唱场域和演唱时代的限制,在当代的流传仍有争议。

    Second , being an oral literature , it is deeply limited by the singing area and singing time , its contemporary transmittance is still in dispute .

  20. 口头文学的多元范畴及其整体性视角的可能组织理论的整合框架研究&从多视角到一体化

    The Interpretations of Oral Narrative from Multiple-views to the Possibility of a Holistic Perspective A STUDY ON THE INTEGRATED FRAMEWORK OF ORGANIZATION THEORY & FROM MULTI-PERSPECTIVES TO INTEGRATION

  21. 哈萨克族英雄叙事长诗《阿布赉》是哈萨克民间口头文学中的一朵奇葩,是哈萨克民族在15-18世纪的草原文化缩影。

    Kazak hero narrative poem " AbLai " is a miracle of kazak folk oral literature and a miniature of the grassland culture for kazak nation in 15-18 century .

  22. 莫言的小说创作深受山东高密地区的民间故事、传说、口头文学、说唱戏曲的影响。

    The novels written by Mo Yan are greatly influenced by the folk stories , legends , oral literature , songs and operas which exist in Gaomi district of Shandong province .

  23. 如果以文学的表达方式及其所呈现的基本形态来划分,中国文学的发展大体可以分为两个阶段,即口头文学阶段和书面文学阶段。

    If we take the literature 's expression modes and its basic states as the dividing norm , Chinese literature can be classified into two phases : oral literature and written literature .

  24. 中国搜集口头文学活动及其文字记录可以追溯到文字使用的最初时代,也延续到现在。

    The collecting and recording of the oral Chinese literature , which can be dated back to the beginning of the Chinese characters which were first used , has lasted till the present day .

  25. 评弹艺术作为口头文学和听觉艺术,既不能全用书面语言的文学理论来研究,也不能套用视觉艺术的影视戏剧理论。

    As oral literature and auditory art , storytelling and ballad singing in Suzhou dialect can be researched neither by literature theory of written language completely nor by the theories of drama , film and television mechanically .

  26. 现有资料涉及山西醋文化方面的内容,多数是流传于民间的口头文学,即使有相关的文献也多出现在民间故事和民间风俗中。

    On the cultural aspect of vinegar , most of contents are folk oral literatures which are widely read by common people . Even if there are relevant literatures , they appear in the folk tales and customs .

  27. 宋元小说家话本是说话伎艺及其话本发展到成熟和定型阶段的产物,是口头文学伎艺向书面文学读物转化的结果。

    During these dynasties , storytelling skill and its fiction have been developed into maturity and stereotype . As a result , storytellers ' scripts came into being . It is also a consequence of the transformation from oral literary skill to written literary reading material .

  28. 拟声词作为一种独特的修辞手段被广泛使用在口头和文学作品中,达到独特的修辞效果。

    Onomatopoetic words , as peculiar rhetoric means , have been widely used in oral and literary works and have peculiar rhetoric effect .

  29. 虽然部派佛教广律是正统的宗教文献,但是,它也是口头叙述文学。

    The Hinayana Sectarian Buddhism Vinaya-pitaka is only the orthodox religion text , but also the narrative literature characterized by widely employed oral-formulas .

  30. 口头雅文学作为中国古代文学史上一种重要的文学现象,一直隐藏在灿烂文学史的背后,等待着被发现。

    As an important literary phenomenon in the history of Chinese , Oral-elegant literature has been hidden behind the brilliant literary history , waiting to be discovered .