
kǒu chī
  • stutter;stammer;impediment;stutter,stammer;spasmophemia;balbucinate
口吃 [kǒu chī]
  • [stutter,stammer] 说话时字音不断重复或词句时时中断

口吃[kǒu chī]
  1. 他患严重口吃。

    He had a terrible stutter .

  2. 那小女孩说话有点口吃。

    The little girl speaks with a little stutter .

  3. 很多小孩口吃,但长大就改过来了。

    Many children stammer but grow out of it .

  4. 把它切成能一口吃下去的小块。

    Cut it into bite-size pieces .

  5. 你不能一口吃下一个面包。

    You cannot eat a bun in one bite .

  6. 大多数口吃的儿童长大以后就好了。

    Most children who stammer grow out of it .

  7. 5%的儿童在某个时期会口吃。

    Five per cent of children stammer at some point

  8. 口吃的孩子可以从言语矫治中获益。

    A stammering child can benefit from speech therapy .

  9. 口吃很可能是一种遗传性缺陷。

    Stammering is probably an inherited defect .

  10. 一位言语矫治师治愈了他的口吃。

    A speech-therapist cured his stammer .

  11. 我们不可以取笑这个有口吃病的男孩。

    We must not try to play off the boy troubled with a stammer .

  12. 他口吃非常严重。

    He 's got a bad stammer .

  13. 口吃的平均人口流行率(prevalence)大约1%,儿童口吃的发生率约为5%,几乎80%的口吃儿童到16岁时自发地恢复了流畅性。

    An average prevalence of stuttering is approximately 1 % of the population , and an incidence of stuttering in childhood is about 5 % .

  14. 但是面对中央电视台一位记者有关微博有影响力用户(又称“大V”用户,字母“V”代表其账户已经过实名认证)社会职责的提问时,潘石屹突然出现口吃。

    Facing a CCTV reporter 's question about the social responsibilities of influential Weibo users - known as ' Big V 's ' because a letter ' v ' marks their accounts as verified -- Mr. Pan developed a sudden stutter .

  15. 采用瑞文测验联合型(CRT)对98名7~15岁口吃儿童进行了智力对照研究。

    By using CRT ( combined Raven 's test ) comparative intelligence study was performed in 98 stuttering children and the same number of normal children aged seven to fifteen years old .

  16. 三天以来,Jean-Luc都被困在地面一下,一口吃的都没有。

    For three days Jean-Luc has been trapped underground . He hasn 't had a morsel to eat .

  17. 在那里,我听到一位家长提到邦妮-格林梅尔蒂(BonnieGrimaldi)制定了专门为患有抽搐和口吃孩子的维生素疗法。

    There I heard about a fellow parent , Bonnie Grimaldi , who had developed a vitamin regimen specifically for kids with Tourette 's and similar disorders .

  18. 结论:森田疗法治疗口吃有效。

    Conclusion : Morita Therapy has significant curative effect on stuttering .

  19. 发展性口吃汉字朗读过程中语音产出的自动化程度

    Automaticity of articulation process of developmental stutterers in reading chinese characters

  20. 那个孩子说起话来像是有些口吃。

    The child tales as if he had a speech difficulty .

  21. 他在阐明产品特性时口吃。

    He stuttered when trying to list the products ' features .

  22. 嘲笑口吃的人未免不近人情。

    It 's cruel to make fun of people who stammer .

  23. 安柏瑞出身贫穷,有严重的口吃问题。

    Embry grew up poor and had a severe stuttering problem .

  24. 从那以后,他就变得口吃了。

    Since then , he kind of developed a speech impediment .

  25. 说这最后几句时他不口吃了。

    These last words were said without a trace of hesitation .

  26. 我年轻时常常口吃得很厉害。

    I used to stammer quite badly when I was young .

  27. 口吃给我灵魂中所留下的印记将永远不会消失。

    The markings of stuttering will never disappear from my soul .

  28. 他的口吃毛病使他不宜担任教职。

    His stammer rendered him unfit for a teaching job .

  29. 口吃使他不能成为一个好的演讲者。

    His stammer prohibited him from becoming a good speaker .

  30. 这些研究结果能解释早期的口吃是否会迁延不愈吗?

    Can these data explain whether early stuttering will persist ?