
xì kǒng
  • pore;osculum;laciness
细孔[xì kǒng]
  1. 阐述了毛细绑定技术(BC)的基本特征、用途及其实现方法,在非导电超硬材料上加工超微细孔的工艺技术方面做了较为详细的说明。

    The basic characteristic , purpose and realization method of bonding capillary technology are discussed in this article . The machining technology of ultra-micro pore in non-conducting superhard material is described in detail .

  2. 结果表明,碳化使水泥石中孔径大于20nm的毛细孔体积减小,而孔径小于20nm的毛细孔体积增大,总孔体积减小,但内比表面积增大。

    The results show that carbonation reduces pore volume with size of 20 ~ 200 nm in hardened cement paste while it increases that with size of smaller than 20 nm . The total pore volume is reduced and the specific surface area is increased .

  3. 屏蔽分析中的三维FDTD细孔缝模型

    A 3-D FDTD Thin Slot Model for Shielding Analysis

  4. 研究了时域有限差分(FDTD)法的三维细孔缝模拟问题,推导出基于环路(CP)法的三维细孔缝仿真算法。

    Subcellular models of thin slots in the finite-difference time-domain ( FDTD ) method are investigated .

  5. 本文讨论了在三叶有光POY-DT生产过程中,喷丝板毛细孔尺寸与可纺性的关系。

    In this paper . the relationship between capillary configuration ot spinneret and spinnability was studied under POY-DT production of lustrous " Y " - fiber .

  6. 进行了微结构的加工,可稳定加工出尺寸在1mm以下的微结构,如微细孔、微细轴、窄槽、二维图案和微立体结构。

    Series micro-structures machining are also carried out in the setup , such as the micro hole , micro shaft , narrow channel , words and micro solid-structure .

  7. 一篇正在进行中的国际研究探讨A1C和平均血糖之间的关系,使用频繁毛细孔测量及连续葡萄糖监视;

    An international study is underway to document the relationship between A1C and average blood glucose , using frequent capillary measurements and continuous glucose monitoring .

  8. 因此,必须采用烧结性良好的UO2粉末和合适的成型烧结条件以使开口孔隙度和细孔隙度降至最低。

    So that , it is necessary to adopt very sinterable UOt powder and suitable pelleting and sintering conditions to minimize open porosity and small porosity .

  9. 通过实验初步验证了模拟结果的准确性,分析了毛细孔尺寸对腔体和烘箱真空度的影响,实现了MEMS器件真空封装工艺的参数化建模与模拟和仿真优化设计。

    The veracity of the simulation results is validated by experiments and the effect of the size of capillary hole on vacuum degree is analyzed . The parametrical modeling , simulation , and optimization design of vacuum package process of MEMS devices are realized .

  10. 伴随多层高密度印刷电路板的发展,需要机械加工直径小于0.2mm的印刷电路板超微细孔的数量呈迅猛增长的趋势。

    With the development of the high-density printed circuit board , the number of PCB ultra micro hole showed a trend of rapid growth .

  11. 结合LIGA技术和微细电火花加工的优点,用LIGA技术制备出具有复杂形状的铜微细工具电极,再用该工具电极进行微细电火花加工,在不锈钢上加工出异形微细孔。

    It has been studied that the fabrication of copper microelectrode with complicated shape by LIGA process and the machining of stainless steel workpiece by EDM process with this microelectrode , which combines the excellences of LIGA and EDM .

  12. 但是目前针对柔性板微孔机械钻孔尚未进行深入的研究,实际生产中还存在很多问题。因此非常有必要对FPCB微细孔钻削加工进行深入的研究。

    Higher and stricter requirements about the quality of the micro hole machining will be needed actually . However , it has not yet in-depth research and there are a lot of problems in the process of production at the moment for flexible sheet micro holes mechanical drilling .

  13. 我的毛细孔好大,脸上又有许多瑕疵。

    My pores are huge and I have so many blemishes !

  14. 击剑者戴的一种细孔面罩。

    A fine-mesh mask worn over a fencer 's face .

  15. 压汞法测量玻璃毛细孔中的水和正癸烷

    Mercury porosimetry for the determination of water and n-decan in porous glass

  16. 长钢丝预应力混凝土细孔钢丝网增强混凝土

    Long line prestressed concrete fine mesh wire fabric reinforced concrete

  17. 磷矿中碳酸钙的含量决定了磷矿的毛细孔结构。

    The calcium carbonate content of phosphate rock determines the pore structure .

  18. 超细孔二氧化硅膜的制备研究

    Study on Preparation of Silica Membrane with Ultrafine Pore Size

  19. 针尖一般的阳光从窗帘的细孔里透进来。

    Pinpoint of sunlight came in throught minute holes in the curtains .

  20. 细孔钢丝网增强混凝土人丝梳细棉纱线纹布

    Fine mesh wire fabric reinforced concrete rayon combed cotton cord

  21. 铸铜件的细孔铸造

    Casting Technology for Fine Holes in Cu Alloy Casting

  22. 电火花加工SiCp/Al复合材料微细孔的技术研究

    Study on the Machining of Micro Pore on SiCp / Al Composites by EDM

  23. 它们塞住了泥土的细孔。

    They clog the pores of the soil .

  24. 工件激振式复合电火花微细孔加工

    Compound Micro - EDM with Workpiece Vibration

  25. 探讨了制备高强韧性、高耐磨自润滑微细孔结构的金属陶瓷烧结体的设计原则;

    The designing principles of the micro-porous ceramic sinter with high-strength and toughness were discussed .

  26. 大孔氧化铝支撑体上细孔膜的制备研究

    Study on the preparation of fine porous membranes on macroporous alumina supports with wide pore distribution

  27. 细孔钢丝网增强混凝土

    Fine mesh wire fabric reinforced concrete

  28. 幸福进驻我的每个毛细孔中。

    Happiness inhabited my every molecule .

  29. 将细孔球形硅胶浸泡于一定浓度的氯化钙水溶液中,得到一种新型的高效复合吸附剂。

    A new composite adsorbent by immerging micro-porous silica gel into calcium chloride water solution was developed .

  30. 注:球形颗粒合格率指标仅适用于细孔球形合格率。

    Remark : The Spherical Particle Pass Rate is only applicable for spherical fine pore silica gel .