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  • cell density
  1. 细胞密度与年龄呈负相关(P0.01)。

    Cell density was negatively correlated with age ( P0.01 ) . 2 .

  2. 研究藻细胞密度和微囊藻毒素LR浓度的相关关系。

    Relationship between algal cell density and concentration of microcystin LR were studied .

  3. 调整细胞密度为1×106个/ml,将细胞分为6组。

    The cells were take into six group by 1 × 106 / ml dens .

  4. 实验组动物均有皮质细胞密度的减少,B组皮质细胞密度低于C组、D组、E组(P<0.05)。

    The neuronal density in groups C , D and E was significantly lower than that in group B ( P < 0.01 ) .

  5. 比较各型肝炎的凋亡细胞密度发现,重型肝炎的凋亡细胞密度高于慢性肝炎和肝硬变(P均<0.01);

    The density of the apoptotic cells in severe viral hepatitis was significantly higher than that in chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis ( both P < 0 . 01 ) .

  6. 利用CV染色结合立体计数评价前额皮层椎体细胞密度。

    We evaluated of prefrontal cortex pyramidal cells density by CV staining combined with three-dimensional count .

  7. 结论细胞密度是ADC值的主要影响因素,与ADC值密切相关。

    Conclusion Density of breast cells is the primary influencing factor on ADC , correlating closely with ADC value .

  8. 目的研究NdYAG激光乳化白内障手术后前房的炎症反应、角膜内皮细胞密度的变化及影响因素。

    Objective To investigate the postoperative inflammatory reaction and the changes of corneal endothelium cell density induced by Nd : YAG laser photolysis .

  9. GH细胞密度,胚胎早期升高,晚期随胎龄增长逐渐下降。

    The density of GH-cells increases in early embryo and decreases gradually with fetal ages in late embryo .

  10. 海马CA1区神经元细胞密度分析显示,损伤性窒息可导致海马CA1区神经元密度减少(P<0.05)。

    The neuronal densities analysis showed that ND decreased in asphyxia with epilepsy ( P < 0.05 ) .

  11. PCNA阳性4例。结论:老年核性白内障晶体上皮细胞密度高于皮质性白内障。

    The positive staining of PCNA in 30 cases of nuclear cataract and cortex cataract was 25 cases and 4 cases respectively .

  12. 但TN、TP和浮游藻类细胞密度增长较快,水体向富营养发展的趋势明显。

    But the TN ? TP and cells density of phytoplankton are on the increase , water body tend to be of eutrophication .

  13. PCNA阳性细胞密度随Bcl-2mRNA表达增强而增高,而凋亡细胞密度随Bcl-2mRNA表达增强而减少。

    With the increase in the expression of Bcl-2 mRNA , the positive cell density of PCNA increased and the apoptosis decreased in the medulloblastomas .

  14. 表皮生长因子阳性表达率及阳性细胞密度在静止期与进行期之间及初发病例与复发病例之间均无统计学差异(P均>0.05)。

    The percentage and the density of positive cells had no statistical difference either between the epidermis of the patients in stable stage and progressive stage or cases of first onset and relapsed ones ( P > 0 . 05 ) .

  15. C组纯钛表面上的细胞密度增加。D组纯钛表面上的细胞间隙难以区分,呈片状生长,细胞染色增强。

    The density of PDLCs in group C increased , which it was difficult to distinguish the cell clearance at the PDLCs of group D , and cells fully grew by the slice shape , and the dyeing boosted up .

  16. ConA或PHA对鮎(SilurusAsotus)皮肤和鳃粘液细胞密度的影响

    Effect of ConA or PHA on Mucous Cells Density in the Skin and Gill of Silurus asotus

  17. 群体感应(QS)广泛存在于细菌中,是细菌根据细胞密度变化调控基因表达的一种机制。

    Quorum-Sensing ( QS ), which regulates gene expression depending on population density , is universal in bacteria .

  18. 前房注射组角膜内皮细胞密度减少、面积变异系数增大与其他组相比差别有统计学意义(p0.05)。

    Corneal endothelial cell density reduced and size coefficient of variation increased in the group of Anterior chamber injection as compared with the other groups the difference was statistically significant ( p0.05 ) .

  19. 结果显示完整肽聚糖注射组大肠癌移植瘤bcl-2蛋白表达率及阳性细胞密度均低于肿瘤对照组,bax基因的表达情况则相反。

    The results showed that the expression rate and positive cell density of bcl-2 oncoprotein were significantly lower in the WPG injection group when compared with the tumor control group .

  20. 基因工程菌在连续运行的膜生物反应器和活性污泥反应器中的细胞密度衰减,也可以用Logistic模型拟合,其参数在间歇实验的取值范围内。

    In continuous-running membrane bioreactor and conventional activated sludge reactor , Logistic model could also fit the dynamics of decay well , and the values of parameters were in the ranges obtained from batch experiment .

  21. 上皮的凋亡小体密度(DAB)峰值均在分裂细胞密度(DMC)峰值之后;

    The peak value of density of mitotic cells ( DMC ) all appeared before their peak value of density of apoptotic body ( DAB );

  22. 当培养的细胞密度较高时,FN和Ⅲ型胶原以纤维状结构覆盖于细胞表面。

    When the cells were cultured at high cell density , the cells in the central area were covered by FN and type ⅲ collagen fibrillar structures .

  23. 主要指标角膜内皮细胞密度和内皮细胞层CMTF形态。

    Main Outcome Measures Endothelial density and endothelial morphological images with CMTF .

  24. 结果正常胃窦及胃体NE细胞密度分别为1.6%及0.9%,DU为1.3%及0.8%(P>0.05)。

    RESULTS The volume density of neuroendocrine cells in DU was 1.3 % and 0.8 % ( vs 1.6 % and 0.9 % , P > 0.05 ) in gastric antrum and corpus respectively .

  25. 结论:PMNs和成纤维细胞密度是评价根尖周炎症程度的两个重要方面;

    [ WT5FZ ] Conclusion : [ WT5BZ ] The PMNs and fibroblasts are the two important aspects in evaluating the periapical inflammation degree .

  26. 目的:探讨滋肾健脑法对老龄小鼠脑海马CA1,CA3区神经细胞密度及超微结构的影响,并与阳性药物维生素E进行对照。

    OBJECTIVE : To investigate the effect of nourishing kidney and tonifying brain on density and ultrastructural of nerve cell in hippocampal CA1 and CA3 area of aging mouse .

  27. 真皮深层CD68阳性细胞密度低,多为树枝状,散在于胶原纤维间。

    Lower densities of CD68 + cells with dendritic morphology were found in the deep ( reticular ) dermis , and dispersed among collagen bundles .

  28. 初始细胞密度和pH分别为2.0%(鲜重)及5.5左右。最后获得正常子叶期体细胞胚数为130个/mL。

    With the optimum flask shake rate of about 100 ~ 150 r / min , initial cell density of 2.0 % ( fresh weight ) and the initial pH value of 5.5 , the authors have obtained 130 normal cotyledon embryos in each mL of cultures .

  29. Ⅰ组戴镜6个月后角膜内皮细胞密度显著降低,平均细胞面积及CV值显著增大,六角形细胞比率显著降低,Ⅱ组仅CV值增大。

    Endothelial cell density and percentage of hexagon decreased , average cell size and CV values increased significantly were found after 6 months Ortho K contact lens fitted in group ⅰ, but there was only CV values changed in group ⅱ .

  30. 本文应用免疫组化方法对黄芪多糖对(NZBxNZW)F1小鼠表皮朗格汉斯细胞密度的影响进行了研究。

    In order to study the effect of Astragalus polysaccharides on ( NZBxNZW ) F1 mice , we examined the density of epidermal LC with immunohistochemical technique .