
  1. 批判理论的范式转型及其问题&重思后形而上学思想与否定的辩证法的关系

    The Paradigm Shift in Critical Theory and Its Problems & Rethinking the Relations between " Postmetaphysical Thinking " and " Negative Dialectics "

  2. 哈贝马斯的后形而上学思想和阿多诺的否定辩证法分别代表法兰克福学派历史上两种不同的社会批判和形而上学批判“范式”。

    Habermas 's postmetaphysical thinking and Adorno 's negative dialectics represent two different paradigms of social critique and critique of metaphysics in the history of the Frankfurt School .

  3. 所以,当代哲学超越形而上学的思想或后形而上学思想,根本问题在于寻求一种非规定性的思,或使思想得以可能的存在、无或他者。

    The basic question of the fact that the modern philosophy is beyond the metaphysical or post - metaphysical ideas lies in a search for a kind of " unidentified thinking ", or making thinking a possible " being ", " naught " or " others " .