
  1. 结果治疗后甲襞微循环四项积分值均显著下降(P0.001)。

    Results After the treatment , the four integral of the nail fold microcirculation are decreased ( P0.001 ) .

  2. 目的比较腹式子宫切除术后甲磺酸罗哌卡因与盐酸罗哌卡因硬膜外病人自控镇痛(PCEA)的效果。

    Objective To compare the effect of ropivacaine mesylate with ropivacaine HC1 for patient-controlled epidural analgesia ( PCEA ) after transabdominal hysterectomy .

  3. 动脉导管拔除7d后甲襞血管襻的管径和微循环加权积分与手术前比较无显著差异(P>0.05)。

    There is no significant difference in diameters of capillary ( P > 0.05 ) and the total integral value while compared with pre-operation and seventh day post-operation ( P > 0.05 ) .

  4. 断指再植后甲襞毛细血管襻临床观察

    Clinical Observation of the Nailfold Capillary Loops After Replanted Severed Fingers

  5. 喉返神经切断后甲状舌骨肌变化的研究

    Observation of thyrohyoid muscle change after cutting the recurrent laryngeal nerve in dog

  6. Ⅳ区:后甲襞游离缘至甲1/2;

    Zone ⅳ: from posterior nail fold to the half of the nail .

  7. 本文对80例颅脑损伤患者伤后甲襞微循环进行研究。

    The changes of Nfm in 80 patients with head injury was studied .

  8. 单侧喉返神经切断后甲杓肌结构与酶学变化的实验性研究

    Experimental study of the enzyme histochemistry and structure changes of thyroarytenoid after denervation

  9. 肝细胞癌患者肝移植术后甲胎蛋白的变化与肿瘤复发

    Serum α - fetoprotein alterations and tumor recurrence after liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma patients

  10. 目的探讨断指再植后甲襞毛细血管襻变化规律的研究。

    Objective To discuss Changes of nailfold capillary loops after replanted severed fin ˉ gers .

  11. 结论:甲状腺全量、残留量是影响术后甲功的重要因素。

    Conclusion Thyroid full volume and residual volume are the important factors impacting the postoperative residual thyroid function .

  12. 甲状腺全量、残留量、残留率与术后甲功呈直线正相关。

    Thyroid full volume , residual volume and residual rate showed linear positive correlation with the postoperative thyroid function .

  13. 结果用药后甲襞微循环、血液流变学等指标明显改善。

    Results The indexes of Nail wall microcirculation and hemorheology improved obviously after treatment ( P < 0 05 ) .

  14. 目的研究进入高原后甲襞微循环中汗腺导管的变化。

    Objective To explore the changes of sweat ducts in nail fold microcirculation among population migrating from plain to plateau .

  15. 但治疗后甲功、突眼改善程度方面,两组无明显差异。

    However , after treatment , thyroid function , improve the degree of exophthalmos , no significant difference between the two groups .

  16. HCV和输血后非甲非乙型肝炎

    Hepatitis C Virus and Posttransfusion Non - A Non - B Hepatitis

  17. 结果显示:心瓣膜置换术后患者甲疑微循环在形态、流态、袢周及总积分均高于健康人,具有极显著差异(P<0.001~0.005)。

    The results showed that the heart valve replacement patients ' nailfold microcirculation , form , the total integral was extremely significantly higher than normal controls ( P < 0.001 ~ 0.005 ) .

  18. 喉癌部分喉切除术后应用甲状软骨膜修复喉缺损10例报告

    Repair of Defect of Partial Larynx in Laryngocarcinoma Using Thyroid Cartilage Membrane

  19. 心瓣膜置换术后的甲襞微循环变化

    Changes of Nailfold Microcirculation After Operated Heart Valve Replacement

  20. 应用双指腹皮瓣重建先天性全并指分指后的甲廓

    Reconstruction of nail folds by double pulp flap in congenital complete syndactyly release

  21. 它也包含清洁线从后方甲板上提供阿库拉下午一个独特的欧洲看看。

    It also contains clean lines from the rear deck that provides the Acura EL a distinct European look .

  22. 21例行手术治疗,术后诊断甲状旁腺瘤16例,甲状旁腺增生2例,甲状旁腺癌3例。

    21 cases underwent operations for parathyroid adenoma ( 16 patients ), parathyroid hyperplasia ( 2 patients ) and parathyroid cancer ( 3 patients ) .

  23. 甲缩醛的制备主要是通过甲醇和甲醛的缩醛可逆化学反应得到,反应后得到甲缩醛和甲醇及水的混合物。

    Usually , methylal was prepared through the reversible acetal chemical reaction by methanol and formaldehyde and a mixture of methylal , methanol and water were obtained .

  24. 浆粕经过酶处理后,甲纤含量有了不同程度的提高。

    After the bamboo pulp 's being treated by the enzyme in different methods , the content of alpha cellulose in bamboo pulp was enhanced to different extent respectively .

  25. 目的:建立兔膝关节置换术后耐甲氧西林金葡菌感染模型,研究一期翻修术治疗高毒力细菌引起的人工膝关节感染的可行性。

    Objective : Using a rabbit model of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus knee-prosthesis infection , the efficacy of one-stage revision total knee arthroplasty for infection resulting from high virulence germ was studied in the experiment .

  26. 结果:真性球麻痹患者疗后环甲肌振幅、时限及舌肌时限较疗前降低。

    Results Amplitude and time limit of cricothyroid muscle , and time limit of muscles of tongue in the patient of true bulbar paralysis after treatment decreased as compared with that before treatment respectively .

  27. 本文观察了毫米波对微循环血液流变学的影响,在毫米波照射后,甲襞毛细血管管攀数增加,血管扩张,血流加快,全血粘度及红细胞聚集性改善,表明毫米波有改善微循环的作用。

    The effect of millimeter wave on the microcirculation and hemorrheology was observed . After therapeutic irradiation , millimeter wave increased capillary and enlarging diameter of the vessel . Millimeter wave can also speed up blood flow , improve blood viscosity and aggregation of erythrocytes .

  28. 方法:对30例EM患者采用保守性手术方法治疗,术后口服醋酸甲羟孕酮作巩固治疗。

    Methods : 30 cases of EM were administered medroxyprogesterone acetate after conservative surgery .

  29. 合成革厂DMF回收后废水中甲胺类含量的分析

    Analysis of the content of methylamine in DMF-recovered tannery wastewater

  30. 烟草甲的电导率以成虫最小,蛹和幼虫无明显差别,PH3处理后,烟草甲的匀浆液电导率上升,但加入CO2后,电导率则下降。

    The conductivity of the cigarette beetle increased after exposed in PH3 , with CO2 addition , the conductivity decreased .