
  1. 300年后王朝覆灭了。

    After 300 years the dynasty fell .

  2. 例如他们建议国王发动战争后,王朝却因此覆灭了,这些灵媒有可能会被解雇、监禁甚至杀害。

    If they recommended a battle that the empire subsequently lost , for example , they might be fired , jailed or even killed .

  3. 但是,曾国藩作为近代著名的政治家,其历史功绩也不可否认,他认识到了后清王朝的腐败衰落。

    However , Tseng Kuo-fan , as well-known politician in modern times , its historical achievements , it is undeniable that he recognized the corruption of the later decline of the Qing Dynasty .

  4. 中世纪西班牙的都城科尔多瓦是后倭马亚王朝的统治中心,更是著名的三种信仰共存之地。文化渗透、改宗、混合婚姻是9世纪科尔多瓦社会的三大现象。

    As the governing center of Umayyad in medieval Spain , Cordoba isa land of three religions , and the three phenomena of acculturation , conversion and interfaith marriage defined it in the ninth century .

  5. 黄巾起义和董卓之乱后,东汉王朝日益分崩离析,世失其序,谁可取而代之成为时代主题。

    After the rebellion of the Yellow Turbans and Dong Zhuo , the Eastern Han dynasty increasingly falling apart , the world lost its order , which can be replaced as the theme of the times .

  6. 其他参展藏品包括阿尔西诺伊二世的雕像,亚历山大大帝征服埃及后打造的托勒密王朝女王雕像。

    Other treasures on display will include a statue of Arsinoe II , a queen in the Ptolemaic dynasty which was founded after Alexander the Great conquered the country .