
  • 网络epigenetic deposit;epigenetic ore deposit
  1. 矿床类型属密西西比河谷型后生矿床。

    The Pb-Zn deposits are Of Mississippi valley-type ore deposits .

  2. 燕山晚期金矿以改造作用为主,形成后生矿床。

    Late Yanshanian predominating reform produced epigenetic mineral deposit .

  3. 天青石矿是后生矿床,其成矿物质主要来自三叠纪含盐系。

    The celestite ore was epigenetic , its mineralization substances mostly came from the Triassic salty series .

  4. 密西西比河谷型矿床为后生热液矿床。

    The Mississippi Valley-type ( MVT ) lead - zinc deposits are the classic epigenetic hydrothermal ores .

  5. 该区矿床不是热水喷流沉积型或其改造型矿床,而是燕山喜马拉雅期的后生热液矿床。

    - The deposits in this region are not hydrothermal-exhalation sedimentary deposits or their reworked ones , but Yanshanian-Himalayan epigenetic-hydrothermal deposits .