
This chair is created by heating and pressing a seat-shaped former into a ball of polypropylene rope .
After mixing the sponge titanium and the alloy elements , the blacks for making titanium electrode were pressed .
Post-stack noise suppression using signal direction restriction
When the discharge voltage exceeds the optimum value , sample 's density becomes decrease and sintered part density are dropped greatly .
Base on constitute of matrix material , at present it is a course that traditional single metal powder by mixed mechanical is pressed and sintered .
In sentence Mary denied Joe an apple , lexicon coercion occurs after construction coercion fails . The semantic of the verb " deny " dominates the semantic of ditransitive construction , and the meaning of the sentence is mainly determined by this verb .
After vehement discussion Hitler overruled his army chiefs .
The bending strength of the samples increases at first and then decreases with the increase of molding pressure at 185 ℃, and it reaches 256.1 MPa at 110 MPa .
The behind the times community lack the earth that the development is make prosper in the well-developed culture , Some well-developed culture are living to have ariseed queen also to be subjected to the pressing here and there .