
hòu zhóu
  • a rear axle;aft shaft;backshaft;rear most axle
后轴[hòu zhóu]
  1. 腹腔内连续应用NGF对周围神经损伤后轴浆运输恢复作用的实验研究

    The Experimental Study on Axoplasmic Transportation Rehabilitation Effects by Continuous Abdominal Administration with Nerve Growth Factor ( NGF ) in Injured Peripheral Nerves

  2. 利用Collins公式推导出了余弦平方-高斯光束通过像散透镜聚焦后轴上光强分布的解析表达式,通过数值运算并对计算结果进行了详细分析。

    The analytical expression for the axial irradiance distribution of cosine-squared Gaussian beams passing through an astigmatic lens is derived using the Collins formula .

  3. 但是,前轴和后轴之间的总差值不能大于60kg。

    However , no more than60kg difference in total between front axle and rear axle .

  4. 使用该软件功能,您可以在安装了EBS和空气悬挂的卡车上读取前、后轴的载荷。

    A software function that allows you to read the front and rear axle loads on trucks equipped with EBS and air suspension .

  5. 前轴和后轴上左侧与右侧的最大车轮负载差异为15kg。

    Maximum wheel-load difference from left to right on front and rear axle15kg .

  6. 在此基础上,以减少应力集中为主要目标,对拐轴不合理的结构提出了改进意见,再利用ANSYS软件对改进后轴结构进行了进一步的有限元分析,验证了改进后轴结构的合理性。

    Based on it , aiming to reduce stress concentrate , improved measure is brought forward , and ANSYS software is used to do further finite unit analysis and configuration of the axle after amelioration is proved rational .

  7. 这些基因调节胚胎发育,尤其在脊椎动物前-后轴(antero-posterioraxis)的发育过程中起着重要作用,并指导脊椎动物的体型形成。

    These genes play a central role in the developmental processes of the anterior-posterior axis of vertebrates by regulating the fetation , and define body pattern in the vertebrates .

  8. Steyr发动机冷却风扇轴加长160mm后轴座的模态频率响应分析

    The modal frequency response analysis of axle base of Steyr engine cooling fan in the case of axle lengthened 160 mm

  9. 建立了斯太尔K38型汽车后轴非线性有限元计算模型。

    A calculation model of non-linear finite element analysis for STEYR K38 truck rear axle has been established .

  10. 根据计算结果分析出,轴加长160mm后轴座损坏的原因是动应力过大。

    Calculation results shows that axle base damage is due to large dynamic stress . Base on the C. On the base of G.

  11. 5组100个称重信号的分解结果表明,EMD方法对汽车动态称重信号的处理是有效的,车速小于等于30km/h时前轴的偏差为5.23%,后轴偏差为10.30%,总重偏差为6.93%。

    The results show that EMD is effective in processing the weigh-in-motion signals and the max deviation of front axel weight , rear axel weight and gross weight are less than 5.23 % , 10.30 % and 6.93 % respectively .

  12. 后轴的总额定功率(GRAR)

    Gross Rear Axle Rating ( GRAR )

  13. 本文主要是研制一个汽车后轴专用的检测设备,用于测量一汽大众公司A4(宝来)后轴上两个安装面的水平与垂直角度以及两个安装面之间的距离等参数。

    This paper developed a testing equipment for FAW-Volkswagen A4 ( Polaris ) automobile rear axle , which is used to measure the horizontal and vertical angle of two mounting surfaces and the distance between the mounting surfaces .

  14. 本文研制的汽车后轴专用检测设备不但具有测量功能,还能够对测量数据进行处理,完成均值极差图绘制、进行CPK(制程能力指数)计算等功能。

    This paper has developed a vehicle rear axle specialized testing equipment not only has the measurement functions , measurement data can also be processed to X-bar and R-control chart , carried out CPK ( Process Capability Index ) calculation .

  15. 为满足列车提速后轴温探测及热轴预报的要求,由中国空间技术研究院北京康拓科技开发总公司开发了HBDS-III型红外热轴探测系统。

    In order to meet the requirement of hot box detection for high speed trains , a HBDS-III hot box detection system has been developed .

  16. 结果表明,可代替40Cr钢齿轮。通过40Cr钢齿轮渗氮及氮碳共渗处理后轴孔的胀缩分析,找出一些轴孔变形的规律,为生产提供方便。

    Based on the expanding and contracting analysis on the axle hole of 40 Cr gear by nitriding or nitrocarburizing treatment , some of the natures of the hole distortion are revealed , which are useful to improve the product quality .

  17. 后轴上的车轮托架已进行改进。

    The wheel carrier on the rear axle has been modified .

  18. 检查间隙和后轴定位,必要时加以调整。

    Check clearance and rear-axle alignment and adjust it if necessary .

  19. 拆下后轴托架侧梁上的制动软管支架。

    Remove brake hose bracket on the rear-axle carrier side section .

  20. 这笔投资将被用于扩大变速箱及后轴的生产。

    The money will be used to expand transmissions and axles .

  21. 拧紧后轴托架侧梁和横梁上的螺钉。

    Tighten screws on rear-axle carrier side section and cross member .

  22. 安装后轴托架侧梁处的两个控制臂。

    Fit both control arms at the rear-axle carrier side section .

  23. 由于后轴提升力增加,可能会有发生事故的危险。

    Danger of accident due to the higher rear axle lift-off .

  24. 每次拆卸后更换前轴和后轴处的螺钉。

    Replace screws at front and rear axle after each removal .

  25. 拧下后轴支架侧面的稳定器的螺钉。

    Unscrew stabilizer at the side parts of the rear-axle support .

  26. 汽车后轴侧滑动态特性及稳定性研究

    Research on Skid Characteristics and Stability of Vehicle Rear Axles

  27. 汽车后轴销支座液压铣夹具的设计

    Design of Hydraulic Milling Fixture for Automobile Rear Dowel Support

  28. 激光法动态检测汽车前、后轴平行度

    Laser Method to Test the Parallelism of Automobile Front and Rear Axle

  29. 半挂车后轴焊接工艺与接头疲劳性能

    Welding Procedure and Join Fatigue Performance of Semi - Trailer Rear Axle

  30. 前轴和后轴的车速传感器相同。

    The speed sensors on the front and rear axles are identical .