
  1. 通过互联网公布的一段听上去很像日本人质后藤健二(KenjiGoto)的新录音称,约旦和日本必须在今天日落之前交换一名囚犯。

    Jordan and Japan must prepare a prisoner for exchange by sunset today , according to a new recording apparently of the Japanese hostage Kenji Goto released online .

  2. 在上周六的一则视频中,后藤健二表示,另一名日本人质汤川遥菜(HarunaYukawa)已被杀害,此前索要2亿美元赎金的最后期限已过。

    In an earlier video on Saturday , Mr Goto said another Japanese hostage , Haruna Yukawa , had been killed after the deadline for a $ 200m ransom had passed .

  3. 鉴于后藤健二还活着,我们将全力以赴尽早让他获得释放,菅义伟表示,我们正呼吁通过各种渠道展开合作。

    On the basis that Mr Goto is alive , we are putting all our effort into securing his release as early as possible , said Mr Suga . We are appealing for co-operation through a range of channels .