
hòu fānɡ jī dì
  • rear base
  1. 后方基地平时预扩编汽车运力的思考

    My Reflection on the Rear Base Preparing to Expand Automobile Transportation Capability in Peacetime

  2. 战国后期,秦国为统一天下首先对富饶的巴蜀发动了战争,想使其成为自己的后方基地而着力经营。

    In the late Warring States period , Qin was the first state to lauch a fighting to abundant Bashu and made it the rear base .

  3. 公交企业后方基地设计优化的回顾

    A Retrospect over the Design Optimization of Maintenance Service Base at Transit Enterprises

  4. 可是在游击区和后方基地没有保险箱。

    There were no safe deposit boxes , either in guerrilla areas or in the rear .

  5. 四川盆地是四川省的经济主体区域,一向是我国的战略后方基地。

    The Sichuan Basin , the chief economic area of Sichuan Province , has always been the base of the strategic rear of our country .

  6. 全面侵华战争后日本更是进一步强化了朝鲜作为其侵略战争的后方基地的地位,这给朝鲜造成了巨大的物质和精神损失。

    After the Japanese aggressive war to China , Japan further strengthens the status of Korea as its base to support the war , resulting in massive materialistic and spiritual loss on the Korean side .

  7. 降至秦汉魏晋南北朝时期,巴渝以其丰富的物资及勇武善战的巴渝民众,这里又成了支持中原王朝统一大业的柱石和后方基地,其军事文化又成为一大特色。

    Late into the Qin Han Wei and Nan-Bei dynasty , Ba-Yu , due to its abundant resources and brave people , became the pillar and rear base for supporting a unifying Chinese dynasty and formed its unique military culture .

  8. 兵工厂西迁,建立后方兵工基地。

    Arsenals were moved westward , and KMT government began to establish the rear ordnance base .

  9. 沿海沿江地区的民族工业大举内迁,建设后方工业基地,写下了抗战史上悲壮而光辉的一页。

    The removal of national industries in the coastal area to the inland area and the construction of the industry base in the wings are great pictures in the history of Anti-Japanese war .