
xiàng xià
  • downward;down;later on;low;downhill;from now on
向下 [xiàng xià]
  • (1) [down;downward]∶从高处走向或延伸到低处

  • (2) [from now on;later on]∶往后;往下面。表示动作继续下去

向下[xiàng xià]
  1. 向下移动比向上移动快得多。

    Downward movement is much faster than upward one .

  2. 等到小鸟长出了美丽的羽毛以后,母鸟就更加喜欢和爱护它们了,于是又向下搬巢,结果小翠鸟却被人们轻而易举地掏走了。

    When the young birds grow beautiful feathers , the kingfisher will become even fonder of them and more protective , so it will move its nest further downward , with the result that the young birds are easily taken away by people .

  3. 油井向下延伸了数百英尺。

    The oil well extended several hundreds of feet in depth .

  4. 飞机向下冲时,他竭力控制住操纵装置。

    He wrestled with the controls as the plane plunged .

  5. 飞机穿透厚厚的云层慢慢向下降落。

    The plane nosed down through the thick clouds .

  6. 向下滚动到文件末尾。

    Scroll down to the bottom of the document .

  7. 海滩缓缓地向下没入水中。

    The beach shelved gently down to the water .

  8. 机翼向下倾斜。

    The plane dipped its wings .

  9. 我向下滚动文档搜索“美利坚合众国”。

    I scrolled down to find ' United States of America ' .

  10. 她弯腰向下,左右手交叉触及脚趾。

    She reached down , touching her toes with opposite hands

  11. 她向下走到一半时,听到了响声。

    She was halfway down when she heard the noise .

  12. 那只鹰向下猛冲,抓住东西后又展翅高飞了。

    The hawk swooped and soared away carrying something .

  13. 一条狭窄陡峭的小径向下伸进山谷,又从山谷的那一边向上延伸。

    A narrow steep path leads down into a valley and up the far side .

  14. 我向下瞥了一眼。

    I cast my eyes down briefly

  15. 保守党称该议案为“有史以来向下议院提出的最卑鄙的议案”。

    The Tory Party called the bill ' the most squalid measure ever put before the Commons ' .

  16. 这条路向下延伸到了一个山坳,然后在那里分了岔。

    The path dipped down to a sort of cove , and then it forked in two directions .

  17. 她不断大声地发号施令:“向上点,向下点,就那样做。”

    She kept rapping out orders : ' Up a bit , down a bit , do it like that . '

  18. 他们将他慢慢向下放入驾驶舱,设法将他塞进了狭小的空间,并给他系好安全带。

    They lowered him gradually into the cockpit . Somehow they squeezed him in the tight space , and strapped him in

  19. 双手置于肩上,肘部向上、向后、向下做圆圈运动。

    Place your hands on your shoulders and move your elbows up , back , and down , in a circular motion .

  20. 向下挖了大约30米,他们找到一个大铁盒子。

    After digging down about 30m , they found a big iron box .

  21. 英镑(向上/向下)自由浮动。

    The pound floated ( up / down ) .

  22. 向下看一片空阔的景色尽收眼底。

    A wide prospect opened below us .

  23. 此件请按名单顺序向下传。

    Please pass on this document in the order of the name list .

  24. 飞行员使飞机向下滑翔而安全地着陆。

    The pilot managed to glide the plane down to a safe landing .

  25. 他们向下一个城镇进军。

    They march on the next town .

  26. 向下看!

    Cast a down look !

  27. 根向下长。

    The root grows down .

  28. 她会看着我沿街向下,等我骑自行车到她门口时,会有一杯冷饮等着我。

    She 'd watch me coming down her street , and by the time I 'd biked up to her doorstep , there 'd be a cold drink waiting .

  29. 接下来,用塑料板盖住孔,用泥土固定塑料边缘,并用石头将塑料板的中心向下压。

    Next , cover the hole with the plastic sheet , securing the edges of the plastic with dirt and weighting the sheet 's center down with a rock .

  30. 停一下,然后把眼睛向下看。

    Pause for a second , and then lower your eyes to 6 o'clock .