
  • 网络central obesity;centripetal obesity
  1. 结果7例患者中5例有典型库欣综合征(CS)的临床表现,包括满月脸,向心性肥胖,高血压等;

    Results 5 of the 7 patients showed typical clinical features of Cushing 's syndrome , including moon face , central obesity , hypertension , etc.

  2. 1677例老干部向心性肥胖和心血管病危险因素的关系

    Relationship between central obesity and cardiovascular risk factors in 1677 veteran cadres

  3. 结果:1、治疗组较对照组在消化系统,物质代谢障碍,高血压方面副作用显著轻微,P0.05,在中枢兴奋症状,向心性肥胖,骨质疏松方面无显著改善,P0.05;

    Results : 1 the side effects in digestive system , metabolic dysfunction , hypertension are slighter in the first group , P0.05 ; there are no differences in central agitation symptoms , osteoporosis and centrality obesity , P0.05 ;

  4. 向心性肥胖者左心室功能的多普勒超声心动图分析

    Evaluation of the Left Ventricular Function in Obesity with Doppler Ultrasound

  5. 爱吃肉,又有向心性肥胖的人要小心直肠癌。

    Occurrence centrality of the meeting after why taking hormone is fat ?

  6. 目的应用多普勒超声心动图评价向心性肥胖者左心室功能。

    Objective To evaluate the left ventricular function in obesity .

  7. 我国中年人群向心性肥胖和心血管病危险因素及其聚集性

    Relationship of central obesity to cardiovascular risk factors and their clustering in middle aged Chinese populations

  8. 向心性肥胖与脑老化

    Central obesity and the aging brain

  9. 2002年广东省成年人向心性肥胖流行特征分析

    Analysis on epidemiological characteristics of central obesity of population aged eighteen and over in Guangdong Province in 2002

  10. 有人曾提出胰岛素抵抗与向心性肥胖是其发病机制,但也有其它的机制被提出来。

    Insulin resistance and central obesity have been proposed , they say , but so have other mechanisms .

  11. 结论原发性高血压患者空腹血游离脂肪酸组成改变与向心性肥胖、胰岛素抵抗、锌缺乏、年龄和饮食有关,并存在性别差异。

    Conclusion Fasting serum FFA composition of hypertensive patients was associated with visceral obesity , insulin resistance , zinc deficiency and diet .

  12. 代谢综合征的四个基本组分是:向心性肥胖、糖耐量减低、高脂血症及高血压。

    The four basic components of Metabolic syndrome are : central obesity , reduced glucose tolerance , hyperlipidemia , and high blood pressure .

  13. 向心性肥胖2例,术后均有不同程度的体重下降。26例功能性垂体腺瘤中接受随访17例,血激素水平恢复正常13例,较术前明显下降4例。

    17 in 26 functional pituitary adenoma were followed up , 13 cases got recovery on hormone level , 4 cases reduced obviously .

  14. 目的掌握广西城乡居民向心性肥胖流行特征及其发生肥胖的危险因素,为疾病控制提供科学依据。

    Objective To master the epidemiological characteristics and risk factors of central obesity of population aged eighteen and more in Guangxi , and to provide scientific basis for disease control .

  15. 代谢综合征,是指以胰岛素抵抗为共同病理生理基础,以糖调节受损、高血压、血脂异常、向心性肥胖为主要组成部分的多种代谢疾病并存的一组临床症候群。

    Metabolic syndrome , is a common metabolic disorder that based in the insulin resistance and the main part is Sugar metabolism disorders , high blood pressure , dyslipidemia , central obesity .

  16. 广西居民向心性肥胖标化患病率为16.90%,其中城市(25.28%)显著高于农村(8.23%)(P<0.01);

    The adjusted prevalence rate of central obesity was 16.90 % . The rate in city ( 25.28 % ) was higher than that in rural area ( 8.23 % )( P < 0.01 ) .

  17. 无论男性女性,超重、肥胖和向心性肥胖组人群每周参加锻炼率均高于正常组,并且男性组高于女性组,男性组为27.79%,女性组为24.22%(P<0.01);

    Whether the gender , the rate of physical exercise per week among the overweight and obesity adults was increased , in addition , the males ( 27.79 % ) were higher than the females ( 24.22 % )( P < 0.01 ) .

  18. 治疗组治疗后较治疗前在中枢兴奋症状、消化系统、向心性肥胖方面副作用明显改善,P<0.05,在骨质疏松、物质代谢障碍、高血压方面无明显差别,P>.05;

    And the side effects after treatment in central agitation symptoms , digestive system , centrality obesity are slighter than that before treatment , P < 0.05 , and there are no difference in osteoporosis , metabolic dysfunction and hypertension , P > 0.05 ;

  19. 腹型肥胖(abdominalobesity)又称中心性(或向心性)肥胖,是指脂肪过多沉积于腹部或腹腔内脏的肥胖。

    Abdominal obesity is also called centrality obesity , which means the fat mainly stores in the belly or the purtenance . Much research have been proved that the people in the Asian-pacific regions are easy to gain the abdominal obesity .