
  • 网络gravitropism
  1. 因此,ETH有可能通过调控Auxin这个中心因素来影响向重力性反应,这些乙烯突变体极可能成为研究ETH对Auxin作用的理想模式材料。

    So extremely probably , ETH affects the gravitropism via auxin . In this case , such mutants might be used as the ideal model plants for the study of the closs-talk between ETH and auxin .

  2. 水稻无侧根突变体的根向重力性异常

    The Abnormal Root Gravitropism in a No-lateral-root Mutant of Rice

  3. 降低PTA装置PX单耗的方法植物向重力性

    Methods of reducing the PX unit consumption in PTA plant

  4. 在高光照强度下(1000Lux),红光可逆转拟茎体的负向重力性为正向重力性。

    Strong unilateral red light ( 1000Lux ) reversed the gravitropism , changing it from negative to positive .

  5. 水稻向重力性突变体与野生型农艺性状的比较

    Comparison on Rice Agronomic Characters of Gravitropism Mutant and Its Wild Type

  6. 根的向重力性在拟南芥中已被广泛研究,但是向重力性的机理还没有被完全研究清楚。

    Gravitropism have been studied extensively using Arabidopsis genetics , but the exact mechanisms are not fully understood .

  7. 迄今人们定位、克隆了一些与向重力性相关的基因,对基因产物在植物向重力性反应中所起的生理生化作用逐渐清楚,对植物向重力性机理的认识取得了很大进展。

    A number of genes had been mapped and cloned so far , which could be more helpful to understand the plant gravitropism .

  8. 植物的向重力性和向光性是目前植物生理学领域研究的热点,已进行了大量的研究。

    Nowadays , studies on gravitropism and phototropism are active aspects in the field of plant physiology , many details of which have been studied .

  9. 研究根向重力性对于阐明地球重力在生物进化进程中的作用和空间不同重力环境中发展植物栽培技术具有重要意义。

    The research of gravitropism is very important to clarify the function of gravity to biological evolution and help developing cultivation techniques in different gravity environments .

  10. 植物向重力性反应对其生长发育有着重要的生理作用,直接影响到植物体从外界获得水分、矿物质及光能等生长必需物质。

    Gravitropism is very important for plant to take up the water , mineral ions and to harvest light , which are necessary for growth and development .

  11. 这些结果为进一步认识花生果针与荚果发育的分子调控机制提供证据,同时也为研究植物向重力性、负向光性、向触性等生理现象的调控机制提供新线索。

    These results provide evidence for the molecular mechanism of development of peanut fruit-needle and pod , also provide new clues for the study of regulatory mechanism of physiological phenomena , such as plant gravitropism , negative phototropism and thigmotropism .