
  1. 这一季的发型既是向过去的经典致敬,又表现出对未来流行的准确把握。看到这些发型你肯定会觉得一股熟悉感扑面而来。

    With this season 's styles paying homage to styles of the past as well as the future , there are plenty of familiar styles walking around .

  2. 除了向迪斯尼卡通经典致敬外,很难看出这场五光十色,但却毫无目的的卡通版野外漫步改编成真人版影片的价值何在(接下来,《妙妙龙》和《美女与野兽》的真人版会接踵而至)。

    So what is the point of this spectacularbut aimless nature ramble , apart from honouring Disney 's commitment to turningits cartoons into live-action films ( Pete 's Dragon is next , then Beauty and theBeast ) ?