
  • 网络Documentary;documentary film
  1. 觉者迷踪:孙师毅先生的人生与影事魔戒迷踪是一部讲述魔戒在过去50年中是怎样影响西方的通俗文化的长篇纪录电影。

    The Life and the Movies of Sun Shiyi ; Ringers : Lord of the Fans ' is a feature-length documentary that explores how " The Lord of the Rings " has influenced Western popular culture over the past 50 years .

  2. 第三部分结合影片分析其生态纪录电影的所表现出的美学意蕴。

    The third part combine video analysis of their ecological documentary films shown by the aesthetic implication .

  3. 《华氏911》:纪录电影真实性的局限

    Fahrenheit 9 / 11 : Factuality Limitation of Documentary Film

  4. 纪录电影销量超过七十点零万副本。

    The record for the film sold more than seven hundred thousand copies .

  5. 纪录电影的真实观念是纪录电影美学的核心。

    The concept of true or facticity is the core value of documentary aesthetics .

  6. 中央新闻纪录电影制片厂

    Central Studio of News Reels Production

  7. 国际新闻纪录电影联合会

    International Newsreel and News Film Association

  8. 认识新纪录电影

    Understanding the New Documentary

  9. 第一部分绪论主要简述雅克·贝汉生态纪录电影的发展历程,及代表电影作品。

    The first part of the introduction briefly Jacques Perrin ecological documentary film development process , and on behalf of the films .

  10. 埃里克·巴尔诺曾说,世界纪录电影史上所有重要的影片都或多或少地不断定义和重新定义着纪录片。

    Eric Barrow once said , all important films in the world record movie history are more or less " continuously defined and redefined the documentary " .

  11. 电影杂志不但成为纪录电影发展的资料库更加成为了见证中国近代社会发展的见证者。

    Film magazine is not only the development of a database record of the film is more a testimony to the development of modern Chinese society witnesses .

  12. 第四部分结合影片分析雅克·贝汉生态纪录电影内蕴的生态和谐及其影片所传达出的对人类中心主义的否定和批判。

    The fourth part of the combination of film analysis Jacques Perrin ecological documentary film intrinsic ecological harmony and film to convey the denial and criticism of anthropocentrism .

  13. 纪录电影被自觉用作官方外交手段大约始于一战时期,并在二战时期得到广泛运用。

    The conscious application of cinema by government in diplomacy began from the World War ⅰ, and was put in to an important position during the World War ⅱ .

  14. 美国环保纪录片的叙事方式与新纪录电影一脉相承,并且在叙事方式与美学特征等方面有独特的表现。

    The United States environmental protection narrative methods and new documentary record movie line , and in the way and the aesthetic characteristics of narrative is the special performance .

  15. 从弗拉哈迪的困境入手,分析纪录电影所面临的普遍问题。以基斯洛夫斯基为例,探寻突围的可能。

    From the predicament of Flaherty had been confronted , the paper will analysis the general problem for the documentary filmmaking and search after the way to break out .

  16. 这当是故事电影、纪录电影乃至其它一切艺术形式再重返这段历史时所应追寻的最高真相。

    This is what the feature films , documentaries , and even all other art forms should pursue as the highest truth when once again they return to this period of history .

  17. 电子游戏已经从它初期的动漫画形式转向了电影影像形式,这一现象,似乎正在再现一个世纪前纪录电影与戏剧相互渗透的历史。

    The computer games have transformed from the earliest animation form to the form of movie visuals , which is the recurrence of history of the combination of newsreel and drama a century age .

  18. 上篇人类学研究与纪录电影的发展主要是对纪录片(这里主要指纪录电影)与人类学电影之间的联系做出阐释。

    Article I " anthropology research and record development of film " documentary film correctly mainly ( mean the film of noting down mainly here ) the connection with the anthropology films is explained .

  19. 但正如《外滩佚事》在影片片头所注明的它们并不代表我全部的历史一样,海纳百川的上海,要在一部纪录电影中构建一个完整的上海城市形象是非常不易的。

    But , as indicated by " the Bund " that " they do not represent all my history " . Shanghai is changeable so that one documentary film alone is difficult to build a complete city image .

  20. 阿黛尔可谓是大出风头,她把自己打扮成露丝·德威巴克特(由凯特-温斯莱特饰演)。露丝是詹姆斯·卡梅隆那部破纪录的电影的女主角,1998年这位头等舱乘客和三等舱的穷鬼杰克·道森的浪漫爱情俘获了数百万观众的心。

    The singer cut a considerable dash as Rose DeWitt Bukater ( played by Kate Winslet ) , the First Class passenger and leading lady of James Cameron 's record-breaking film whose cinematic romance with Third Class ragamuffin Jack Dawson captured the hearts of millions in 1998 .

  21. 教育性的和纪录性的电影片也受到广大的欢迎。

    Educational or documentary films have wide appeal also .

  22. 分析的工具包括语言上的资料、文本,声音或影像的纪录,以及电影。

    Material for analysis will include linguistic data , texts , audio and video recordings , and films .