
  • bar counter;Bar Table;Wet Bar
吧台 [bā tái]
  • [bar counter] 酒吧的柜台,顾客可以倚着柜台喝酒

  1. 吧台上摆满了大碟大碟非常新鲜的鱼。

    The bar counter groans under the weight of huge plates of the freshest fish .

  2. 宾客在大厅、贵宾厅吧台,独赏百度鸡尾酒之余,还可体味DS秀吧顶级美女的热舞及高品质洋酒的溢香。

    Guests can also savour the DS show top fanatic dance and the fragrance of high quality foreign wine while degusting alone Baidu 's cocktail in hall and function room bar counter .

  3. 他走路摇摇晃晃,不得不靠在吧台上。

    He was staggering and had to lean on the bar .

  4. 布赖恩回到迈克尔身边时,他正一个人站在吧台旁边。

    Michael was standing alone by the bar when Brian rejoined him

  5. 她给了吧台服务员10美元小费,还请在场的所有人喝了酒。

    She tipped the barmen 10 dollars and bought drinks all round .

  6. 费利西蒂·马克斯韦尔站在吧台旁,要了一杯红酒。

    Felicity Maxwell stood by the bar and ordered a glass of wine

  7. 他打量着吧台那边零星的几个顾客。

    He surveyed the handful of customers at the bar

  8. 穿晚礼服的宽肩膀男子神气十足地走向吧台。

    A broad shouldered man wearing a dinner jacket swaggered confidently up to the bar

  9. 他擦完了鸡尾酒杯,把它们成排摆放在吧台后面。

    He finished polishing the cocktail glasses and lined them up behind the bar .

  10. 奥布赖恩坐在一张吧凳上,胳膊肘靠在吧台上。

    O'Brien sat on a bar stool and leaned his elbows on the counter .

  11. 他将身子探过吧台。

    He leaned forward across the bar .

  12. 一伙六个人走进酒吧,冲向吧台。

    A group of half a dozen men entered the pub and bore down on the bar

  13. 女孩乙:不过他刚刚在去吧台的途中向我“巴黎式借过”……

    Girl 2 : But he just gave me a Parisian pass on his way to the bar ...

  14. 而在底特律,FellowBarber理发店正打算在其门店内增设一个吧台。

    Fellow Barber plans to add a bar to its Detroit location .

  15. 例如在多伦多,理发店Rod,Gun&Barbers在店内设有一个吧台,在那里抽雪茄是受到鼓励的。

    In Toronto , for example , there is a bar inside Rod , Gun & Barbers , where cigar smoking is also encouraged .

  16. 我们同往常一样坐在操作台附近的吧台餐桌前,我坐在YoYo的右侧。

    Like usual , we sat besides the sushi bar , I sat at Yo Yo 's right hand side .

  17. 延伸于汉森(Hanson)海岸线上,酒店的21个当代套间、平静水疗SPA、吧台和餐馆与周围环境融为一体。

    Stretching along the coastline at Hanson Bay , its 21 contemporary suites , serene spa , bar and restaurant blend into the environment .

  18. 在海耶斯谷店,品茶会在一个吧台边举行,该吧台由一条20英尺长被风刮倒的红杉木制成,是雅各布斯的好友——木匠迈克尔•迪肯(MichaelDeakin)安装的。

    In Hayes Valley they 're held at the bar , a 20-foot-long slice of wind-fallen redwood installed by woodworker and friend Michael Deakin .

  19. 在《肥佬教授》(TheNuttyProfessor)中,杰里·刘易斯(JerryLewis)饰演的主人公的分身BuddyLove走到吧台,点了一杯阿拉斯加北极熊鸡尾酒(AlaskanPolarBearHeater)。

    In " The Nutty Professor , " the title character 's alter ego , Buddy Love , played by Jerry Lewis , steps up to the bar and orders an Alaskan Polar Bear Heater .

  20. 我们公司一位执行创意总监不仅仅是在他的办公室开了一家酒吧,他的办公室就是一个酒吧,里面有一个U形吧台,使用漂亮的桃花心木制成,他会坐在吧台后面的高脚凳上撰写文案。

    One of our executive creative directors didn 't just have a bar in his office . His office was a bar . It was a U-Shaped bar , beautiful mahogany , and he would sit behind the bar on the bar stool and write his copy .

  21. 拉个木凳到吧台,点一杯Occhipinti西西里红葡萄酒或BirradelBorgo印度浅色麦芽啤酒(IPA)。

    Pull a wooden stool up to the bar and order a glass of Sicilian red from Occhipinti or an IPA from Birra del Borgo .

  22. 众所周知,格林威治村(GreenwichVillage)曾经是“垮掉的一代”诗人、爵士音乐家、艺术家与波西米亚人聚集的地方,现在也仍旧是敏奈塔酒馆的所在地。酒吧里古老的橡木吧台,最适合靠着喝杯小酒或餐前鸡尾酒。

    Greenwich Village , famously once home to New York 's Beat poets , jazz musicians , artists and Bohemians , is still home to Minetta Tavern , whose old oak bar is perfect for leaning on while sipping a draught or classic cocktail before dinner .

  23. 坐在弧形木制吧台或红褐色的长椅上,点一杯星巴克永远不会有的饮品——名为“琥珀女王”(“QueenAmber”)的黑白咖啡(theBlancetNoir),以冰激凌杯为容器,加糖的咖啡上漂浮着牛奶。

    Take a seat at the curved wooden bar or on the maroon banquette and order a drink you 'll never find at Starbucks : the Blanc et Noir " Queen Amber , " served in a coupe glass with milk floating atop sweetened coffee .

  24. 即非正式的聚会点,休息空间以及厨房吧台。

    The informal meeting point , rest room and kitchen bar .

  25. 进门正对的大吧台,上面这个汉堡包引人注目。

    The hamburg on main bar counter catches people 's eyes .

  26. 总是有吧台的女人和我调情。

    There will always be women in rubber flirting with me .

  27. 我不能离开吧台的,先生。

    I 'm not allowed to leave the bar , sir .

  28. 唯一不同的在于餐厅和吧台抵用券。

    The only difference is in the restaurant and bar vouchers .

  29. 我会在吧台念《尤利西斯》给你听

    I will be the guy at the bar reading Ulysses .

  30. 跨过左边就是你的个人吧台。

    And step over to your private bar to your left .