
  • 网络adultification;humanization
  1. 无论如何,教育家、父母、和政策制定者都有严肃的责任制止并纠正幼儿和童年的'成人化'。

    Educators , parents and policy-makers have a grave responsibility to arrest and reverse the " adultification " of children and childhood in whatever ways they can .

  2. 分析了童装趋向于成人化的原因,探讨了如何使成人服装元素更好地与童装相结合,并给出了相关措施。

    It analyzed the reasons of children ′ s clothing tending to adultification , discussed how to make adult cloth elements combined better with children ′ s clothes , and gave the related measures .

  3. 看这些房子,太成人化了。

    This is so adult , looking at real estate .

  4. 当前教育中儿童的成人化倾向省思

    Reflections on the Adult Animation Trend of Child in the Contemporary Education

  5. 可以想见,会计师和银行家会感觉自己的工作更成人化。

    Presumably accountants and bankers feel that their jobs are more grown-up .

  6. 论陀思妥耶夫斯基作品中的儿童成人化和成人儿童化书写

    On the Creation of Children Adults and Adult Children in Dostoevsky ′ s Works

  7. 过度社会化的现象在小学生群体当中是有较大普遍性的,高消费、早恋、思维语言的成人化等等都是这方面的代表事例。

    High consumption , puppy love , thinking and language like adults are representative examples .

  8. 课堂物质环境建设中有成人化向儿童化转变的倾向。

    It has had a tendency from adults to children in the classroom substance environment construction .

  9. 儿童的成人化倾向已成为当前基础教育中的一大诟病。

    The adult animation trend of child in the primary and secondary education has been widely criticized .

  10. 在节目主持、内容、栏目结构、制作方面存在成人化倾向问题。

    There is a serious adulthood tendency in program managements , contents , and column eyes construction .

  11. 大学生正处于青春断乳期的后期,个体社会化和成人化的过渡阶段,他们必然存在较多的心理冲突。

    College students are in youth later individual socialization and administer a transitional phase , they will have many conflicts .

  12. 偶像崇拜在当代表现出成人化的特点、呈现出集群化的趋势、以及高消费的倾向。

    Idolatry in the contemporary show the characteristics of adult-oriented , showing a trend of clustering , and high consumption trend .

  13. 儿童电视:谁是主体?&兼论我国儿童电视的成人化问题

    TV for Children : Who is Principal Part ? & Also discussing on " Adult-like " in the Chinese TV for Children

  14. 最后,作者创造出卡通形象并以此为创作元素设计了一系列成人化动漫衍生产品。

    Finally , the authors create a cartoon image and as a creative elements to design a series of adult animation derivative products .

  15. 信息传播的嬗变与儿童世界的危机&儿童成人化问题的信息学探讨

    The Evolution of Information Transmission and the Crisis of Children 's World & Analysing the Problems of Children 's Earliness from the Views of Informatics

  16. 在拍完儿童电影《雨果》后,也许他想要执导一部狂妄自负、充满男子气概的成人化娱乐片。

    Having last made a children 's film , " Hugo , " perhaps he was in the mood for some swaggering , testosterone-drenched , adult-oriented entertainment .

  17. 成人化“包括强调”作文“必先”做人“、强调”文以载道“和强调”典型性“原则。

    " Taking as adults " problems consist of learning to be a good person first before writing , writing for expressing correct thoughts , and selecting typical material .

  18. 我知道目前为止我做得不是很好,但是我是真心的,我希望跟你的关系更成人化。

    I know I have not done a great job of it so far , but I meant it when I said I want to have a more adult relationship .

  19. 最后在艺术表现形式上忽视儿童接受群体的特点,呈现出成人化倾向。

    Last , the works ignore the character of children , who are the real audiences , so it seems that the means of artistic expression is inclined to the adult 's appetite .

  20. 对马克思人的全面发展理论与我国当前教育的反思当前教育中儿童的成人化倾向省思

    A Review of China 's Contemporary Education in View of Marx 's Theory of " The All-round Development of Human " Reflections on the Adult Animation Trend of Child in the Contemporary Education

  21. 中学体育场地设施成人化的现象非常严重,仅有18%的学校存有较轻的成人化现象。

    The courts and apparatuses of the middle schools nowadays are most adult-oriented . This phenomenon is very serious , and only 18 % of the middle schools has no the adult-oriented phenomenon .

  22. 在英国,出版商出版了一种更成人化封面的版本,使得大人们能在火车或者地铁里阅读而不用把书藏在报纸后面。

    In Britain a separate edition of the first book appeared with a more " adult " dust jacket so that grown-ups reading it on trains and subways would not have to hide their copy behind a newspaper .

  23. 目前,全国小学体育教学内容普遍存在竞技化、成人化的不利现象,并且多为传统性项目,缺乏创新性,不利于调动学生学习体育的兴趣。

    At present , the national primary school physical education teaching contents exists generally athletics , adult adverse phenomenon , and more traditional project , lack of innovation , not conducive to arouse students ' learning interest in sports .

  24. 结果发现:运动负荷逐渐加大、训练的超量恢复、训练过程和比赛相结合、防止专项成人化训练等因素是青少年田径运动员训练的制胜规律。

    The result shows that the factors of increasing training load , recovering from super training , the combining the training process with competition , and preventing the specialized training form for grown-up are the key factors of winning law for the juvenile athletes ' training .

  25. 除了更加成人化的台词、潮流的包装、更快的剪辑速度以及弹幕等基础互动功能,网络节目和电视节目实际上没有区别,乐正传媒研发与咨询总监彭侃在接受《综艺报》采访时表示。

    Besides more adult-oriented lines and trendy packaging , faster editing pace and basic interactive functions like * danmaku , web shows are actually no different than TV shows , Peng Kan , director of research and consulting department of Legend Media told Media & Entertainment Industry Reporter .

  26. 以SNB为自变量建立成都地区成人个体化头影测量颅颌关系浮动正常值。

    The cephalometric floating norms for the assessment of craniofacial pattern in Chinese adults were obtained with SNB as the independent variable and the other four variables as the dependent variables .

  27. 哈尔滨地区成人个体化头影测量浮动正常值

    Individual Cephalometric Floating Norms For Harbin Adults

  28. 多元回归方法建立山东地区成人个体化头影测量颅颌关系浮动正常值

    Cephalometric floating norms as a means to evaluate individual craniofacial patterns of adults in Shandong Province

  29. 广州市成人高校规范化办学刍议

    Opinions on Running Standardized Adult College in Guangzhou

  30. 担负着成人继续社会化的重要责任,并与整个社会的发展息息相关,其功能也正随着现代社会的发展理念而不断拓展。

    Shouldering the important responsibility of adult socialization , and is closely related to the development of the whole society , its function is developing as the development of modern society concept .