
  • 网络Holding Mouth
  1. 实际上,只要是炸过的食物都含丙烯口胺。

    Actually , deep fried food all contains acrylamide .

  2. 请把药含在口中直到其完全溶化,不要嚼服。

    Don 't chew this , just keep it in your mouth until it melts .

  3. 更新世时期的人类可能将染料液含在口中制造喷洒效果。

    Pleistocene humans likely placed pigment in their mouths in order to create such a spray .

  4. 多喝温开水,将温开水含在口中也有很好的止咳效果。

    Drink warm water , warm water will be also included in the mouth has very good effect of cough .

  5. 我想变成一块巧克力,被你轻轻含在口中,让你感觉香滑。情人节快乐!

    I want to turn a chocolate , is contained gently by you in the mouth , lets you feel fragrant slides The valentine day is joyful !

  6. 下个月,匈牙利东部的在校学生将和交警一起给违规司机开具罚单,并送给这些司机一片柠檬含在口中。

    Bad drivers in eastern Hungary will be left with a sour taste in their mouths next month when school students will accompany traffic police and hand out pieces of lemon along with a fine .

  7. 他没有话答,只是笑,笑到嘴里含的一口饭都喷出来,撒得满桌上,还是吃吃不休。

    He did not answer but broke into laughter , sputtering his mouthful of food all over the table ; He continued to eat without pause .

  8. 我听警察问是怎么回事,马默杜克含着一口碎牙,告诉警察我就是那个杀人凶手哈内。

    I heard him ask what the matter was , and Marmaduke , talking through his broken teeth , told him that I was Hannay the murderer .

  9. 然而,它在下水道系统的管道及连接配件不仅因全部暴露而遭受环境对它的腐蚀,而且也受到含在管道排出口处的固体颗粒物质的机械冲击,从而引起表面腐蚀磨损。

    However , the pipes and fittings in the sewer systems are exposed not only to the corrosive environment but also to the impact of solid particles contained in the mud drain resulting in erosive wear on the surface .