
  1. 这是中国军用航空产业一个冲动听心的里程碑。

    This is an exciting milestone for China 's military aviation .

  2. 《梅葛》没有文字的记载,毕摩、歌手皆是靠耳听心记史诗的内容曲调,在各种展演场域反复演练,形成以传统为取向的“大脑文本”。

    ' Mei Ge'has no writing record , Bimo and singer are to learn all by using ear hear and heart memory , relapse performance and practice in various place , and forming into tradition'cerebrum text ' .

  3. 淅沥绵雨听星心,朗月高空爱意真。

    Rain to listen to stars Potaninia heart , I love Long Yuet height .

  4. 我抚摸着虎妞,一边对她说她是多么美丽,一边检查她的眼睛和嘴巴,听她的心肺,轻按她的胃部。

    Stroking Tigress , I told her how beautiful she was while I examined her eyes and mouth , listened to her heart and lungs , and felt her stomach .

  5. 如果他们确实摆脱不了这种奇特的、骇人的迷恋,以致目不能视,耳不能听,心不能理解事物,那就让他们等吧!

    Let them wait , if this strange and fearful infatuation be indeed upon them , that they should not see with their eyes , or hear with their ears , or understand with their heart .

  6. 静静地听,让心一点一点的融化。

    Listen quietly to so heart melting point of1.1 .

  7. 视与听的共享心与心的交流&关于现代舞的欣赏

    Visual and Audio Integration , Heart and Soul Communication : On the Appreciation of Modern Dance

  8. 解开衣服钮扣,我来听一下您的心肺。

    Open your clothes and let me examine your chest .

  9. 你的话只会听上去有防御心,而且你将会将交火升级。

    Your comments will just sound defensive , and you 'll escalate the exchange .

  10. 我来听一下您的心肺。

    Let me examine your chest .

  11. 静静地听,我的心,听那世界的低语,这是它对你求爱的表示。

    Listen , my heart , to the whispers of the world with which it makes love to you .

  12. 听我说凭心而论也许他们以为在意大利呢那儿所有的东西都抹上了橄榄油不得已而滑之

    well not listen , to be fair , they 're in Italy and everything there is covered with olive oil

  13. 还是听难道,还是听心太软。

    Or listen to is , or listen to heart is too soft .

  14. 而这些诗歌虽然我已经听了很多遍,但是到现在每一次我听我的心依然会被感动。

    Often times my heart was touched by the songs even though I have listened to it so many times .