
  • 网络auditory image
  1. 教学影片使视觉形象和听觉形象相结合,能够开拓学生的视野,增强学生对知识的感知,并突破传统教学媒体的限制,为未来教学媒体的发展提供一种新的思路和手段。

    It combined visual and auditory image to develop the vision of visitors in science education which has broken through the traditional teaching media restrictions to provide an innovative direction for the future development of modern teaching media .

  2. 声乐演员在舞台上的歌唱是听觉形象与视觉形象有机结合的一种创造性活动。

    Singing is a kind of creative activity that hearing is combined with vision .

  3. 动画中体现的是动态的美,明晰的节奏施与动画,在视觉形象,听觉形象和情节叙事上体现出动画的韵律。

    The distinct rhythm makes animation a dynamic art in the visual images , audible images and narration .

  4. 听觉形象作为影视广告视听体系中的重要组成部分,其本体不仅忠实于与画面的和谐统一,更能独立地传递影片更深层次的情感意境。

    As the most important part of the TV Commercial Video-Audio-System , Audio Images is not only represents the unity with pictures , but also is the key to express the deeper meaning of the films .

  5. 在古代声乐理论中,形的概念是丰富的,不是单一的概念,它不仅表现为具体的、物质的视觉听觉艺术形象,也包括非具体、非物质的思维艺术形象。

    In ancient times vocal music theory , " shape " the concept is rich , is not the sole concept , It is not only concrete , physical image of the visual auditory art , but also non-specific , non-material way of thinking artistic image .

  6. 电视艺术是一门视听艺术,传达给观众的是一种视觉和听觉综合的视听形象,但是,在影视形象体系中起主要作用的、最具影响力的还是视觉形象。

    Academy of Television Arts is a visual art , to convey to the audience a visual and auditory integrated audio-visual image , but in the video image of the system play a major role , the most influential or the visual image .

  7. 让学生有高质量的听觉感受能力,在听觉概念上努力培养学生对优质音响的听觉形象是扬琴演奏教学的重要组成部分。

    It is an important component part of yangqin performance teaching and studying that cultivated the students ' auditory imagination to the high quality of sound , help them obtain the superior quality of ability of auditory feeling .